Help with picking a hair dye


New member
Hey guys so i want to dye my hair a bright red, and when i say red i mean like RED. As in a little kid drew all over my hair with a marker. Specificly im looking for how to dye my hair the color of Gerard Way's hair(here's a pic -> )

If you can find where he dyed his hair at or somewhere that does dye that color, or even a dye kit(permenant) would be awesome! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!!! That's you agreeing ->

Thank you!- R. Salvatore


Well-known member
for DIY...if you live in us or canada..try going to sally's..the associates will be able to help you...
otherwise i would suggest going to your favourtie salon..taking the pic with you..and telling them exactly what you would like to get done..