Help with Plum Dressing

I love purple colors and recently purchased Plum Dressing e/s. However, I can't make it work with my grey-blue eyes. :/ I just end up looking bruised. I emailed a MAC MA and received a suggestion to pair it with Coppering, which I find a way too garish combination for my fair skin.

Do you have any better suggestions as to how I could make Plum Dressing look nice? I have mostly tried combining it with other purples but it just doesn't come out right.

Here's a pic of my eyes, so you get an idea of my coloring (I have blonde hair):



Active member
Light: Woodwinked - Sumptuous Olive - Plum Dressing
OR Expensive Pink - Coppering - Plum Dressing

Dramatic: Silver Ring - Plum Dressing - Knight Divine

I have always used Plum Dressing in the crease or outer-V, blended along with another dark shade like Knight Divine for more definition, if required.


Well-known member
I like it with Sushi Flower or any other pinks. I also like to pair it with Humid, putting Plum Dressing on the inner corners and Humid on the outer.
Thanks so much for your help! Interesting ideas. I'm still a bit too "conventional" with my makeup so I wouldn't have thought of pairing it with colors like Woodwinked or Humid. But this will make for great experimenting! Thanks a lot.


Well-known member
Put Jardin Aires on the lid, or Melon, or some sort of fairly neutral on the lid, then put PD on the outer V- makes a great daytime look!
As previously suggested, you could turn it into nightime by adding some carbon or beautymarked on the outer corner.

I personally wouldn't pair it with some purples, unless you're really comfortable with blending. HTH
The problem with putting PD on the outer V is that I have such small, deep-set eyes that any color nearly disappears on the outer V on my lid, unless it's really dark. I've tried wearing PD on the outer corner but it hardly shows. I tried PD on my sister the other day and it looked absolutely amazing with her green eyes. Also, her eyes aren't deep-set like mine and her lid shape is plumber, so the color came out so much better on her eyes. *unfair* I'm considering getting green contact lenses so I can make my beloved purple eyeshadows work better for me. :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Supervixen79
The problem with putting PD on the outer V is that I have such small, deep-set eyes that any color nearly disappears on the outer V on my lid, unless it's really dark. I've tried wearing PD on the outer corner but it hardly shows. I tried PD on my sister the other day and it looked absolutely amazing with her green eyes. Also, her eyes aren't deep-set like mine and her lid shape is plumber, so the color came out so much better on her eyes. *unfair* I'm considering getting green contact lenses so I can make my beloved purple eyeshadows work better for me. :p

Could you put PD on the outer 1/2 of the lid, then put Beauty Marked or Black Tied in the outer V? Or, use it in the crease? Ooh, or use it all over Lid then blend out something like Wedge in the crease to soften the edges

I'll try to play with this color some to see what I come up with
Originally Posted by mreichert
I'll try to play with this color some to see what I come up with

Oooh, that would be great! Thanks for being so helpful.

As for Beauty Marked and Black Tied, yeah, it could work with Black Tied, I'll have to try that, but BM is too cool a color for me. I'm not saying that black is warm (*lol*), but it's more neutral than a cool purple.