Hi everyone


My name's Tasha and I am a big fan of the MAC products ever since my wedding. I looked so great that it's been what I have been using ever since. Unfortunately, I have been to 2 different MAC counters with girls who matched to my neck when my face was significantly lighter and I haven't looked right in months.

I am looking to get my foundation issues solved, cover up a few scars and dark under eye circles and deal with my oily chin. I had a baby in July of last year and I have lost a good chunk of the weight, but have a ways to go. More than ever, I want to look my best and hair and makeup that work are a key for me.

Current face:
Studio fix NC43 (wrong color- I get very pale in the fall and winter)
Lipsticks vary from Revlon to Mac to combinations of a MAC with a sheer shimmer on top
Eyes are the MAC Royal assets 6 warm eyes

I only wear foundation/coverup and lipstick everyday.

Glad to be here!



Active member
Welcome aboard!
It seems that we both have alot in common. We are both a new member, both married and both have a baby!


Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra. I found a great thread on "porcelain beauties" that I think might be useful to you, as it was to me: http://specktra.net/f167/porcelain-b...dations-62089/

When I got matched by a MAC MA she told me you should usually use one shade lighter in the winter than you normally would/one shade darker in the summer. I'm an NC30 in the winter and NC35 in the summer and I tend to look very pale. You may need two foundations and maybe you can get matched for the lighter one by a MAC MA again. Foundation is definitely the key to a put-together look and skin tones usually do not stay the same over the years.

Congratulations on the baby and the baby weight loss!
I have heard it takes a lot of work, so that is definitely something to be very proud of!