Hi from a confessed (and recovered) Lurker!


Well-known member
Hello to All

Yep I admit that I have been a SL (Specktra Lurker) for sometime now

I think it's beacause I was intimidated by all the clever people on here...and not to mention that the traincase forum puts my itsy-bitsy collection to shame

I have finally worked up the guts to post! Now all I have to do is:
A: Buy a camera
B: Work out how to take good pics
C: Find out how to post em

Well I have taken up enough of your time but you will hear from me again soon.

P.S - I have to say that THIS FORUM has made me into a better (for lack of a better phrase) makeup-putter-on-er-er haha and for that I am truly grateful!
Believe it or not before coming on this site I never wore eyeshadow as I though with my eyeshape I couldn't - now I own about 20 MAC eyeshadows and 2 LE palettes - Yay!


Well-known member
Thank You!

I purchased my first MAC product (with help from some specktra reviews) back in Sepetember of last year.

Now thanks again to specktra and the wonderful looks people do I own about 40 products!!

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