Hi. New here.


Active member
Hi all!
First off, I'm a total makeup noob.
But I'm trying my best to learn.
(The world of make up is so big and scary! xD)

I am mostly into more natural/neutral styles and colors (at least for now) but my main appreciation for makeup comes from an artist's point of view more than a beauty one.

I like makeup that isn't too heavy or obvious (unless I want it to be) and right now I'm sorta lazy and I want to do whatever is less of a hassle, at least until I get the hang of it. I think this place is probably the best spot for that (along with practice.) I also only plan on using products (whether it's makeup or skincare or whatever) that are cruelty free. I'd prefer natural brands, but as long as they are cruelty free, I'm happy (what can I say, I care for animals.) Thankfully, MAC is one of those brands. ^3^

Aside from makeup, I am a Graphic Design student (who will probably eventually switch over to more illustrative arts.) I love animals (especially cats), I'm getting into sewing and fashion (or should I say personal style) I like video games, some anime, Japanese music and a few Japanese fashions like Lolita and Visual Kei (which involve a huge amount of makeup.)

I sort of hope I can make a friend or two here...because no one I currently chat with online wants to hear me talk about makeup or fashion. T^T (Hey! I still have a girly side! Boohoo!)

Anyway, nice to meet you!


Well-known member
Hey electra! Welcome to Spektra, from a fellow Newbie

You will be changing your mind about colour and makeup after a few days on here! haha!


Active member
Originally Posted by aussiemacluvrrr
Hey electra! Welcome to Spektra, from a fellow Newbie

You will be changing your mind about colour and makeup after a few days on here! haha!

Thanks, and hello to you as well.

Hehe, I hope so. I probably never bothered much with makeup before because I felt it took too long and I would look like a clown. But I guess it all boils down to practice (but then I won't pretend that I have enough money for anything, let alone makeup right now. ><)

Even though I'm an artist, colors are never easy for me to pick out correctly. It's a struggle for me just finding shades and tones that are natural! @o@


Well-known member
Greetings from a fellow Graphic Designer/Makeup Artist
Your design education will definitely carry over into the world of makeup (color theory, shading/contouring, etc.) so I'm sure you'll pick up skills quite quickly.

Looking forward to seeing you around Specktra!


Hello, another fellow newbie here!
However I'm into colour but would like to learn more about neutral colours


New member
Hello everyone! I'm also new here. Welcome!...to me and you. hehe.
I looooove make-up
I wouldn't say I'm a complete newbie because I have some experience but I've seen some people's collections here and WOW! Hopefully my collection can grow to a moderate size soon