depending on your intensety here are a few.... i aslo recomend to put ob your higlight no matter what u get with the mac 188bursh its the mini 187 (the black and white one)
motife or hush eyeshadows give u the look for a MSF
if u mix golden bronze and silverdusk loose shimmer powder it creats the effect of chimpane msf.
ricpaper is great too as well as nylon, shroom (more subtle)
nc35 is a great tone to be you are right in the middle not to dark not to light
if you are nc40 and above or nw35 and above try using motife it is aboslutly fantastic!
and for anyoe that has a bit of tan the rubenesqe paint pot looks fab on the cheekbones.....
please use the 188 it will buff it greatly... that is all i hope that helps!
ps. if u use these shadows wet (i like to grab a tissure remove the first layer of shadow off and use whats on my tissue wet so u dont mess up the shadow) it will be about 10x better!