highlight rec for NW 45


Well-known member
ok so 2 people have told me that i should use another highlighter color, saying that the one below &others I used look ashy. so, I'm looking for some recommendations on what you beautiful women use .
I have one concealer stick from mac and it's a NW45, so I guess that's what I am . thanks in advance.



Well-known member
some of the highlighters i (nc45) use include honestly, naked lunch, era, and shipagne and shooting star msf. they are all warm. btw i dont think it looks ashy just if you use a lighter hand and blend a little more.


Well-known member
thats a lovely colour on you. what's the names of the colours you used in that pic.

I think the highlight looks fine to me. I like the whole look. Can you do a tutorial???


Well-known member
I would recommend Patina. I like the look on the pic but if you want to go with something a little more muted, Patina is the one.


Well-known member
I am a NC50 and my favourite highlight colours are SHROOM (has to be in all caps because I love it that much), Naked Lunch, Nylon, Dazzlelight, Wishful (I am not sure if this is LE or not -- I snagged it at a CCO), and Ricepaper. There are so many others but those are the ones I have that I can remember off the top of my head.

By the way, I don't think your highlight colour in that picture looks ashy at all. I really like it. It would look better if it was blended better and applied with a lighter hand/touch, but that's just my opinion.


Well-known member
^Do you see a difference in Wishful (got mine from a CCO, too) and Naked Lunch? I haven't worn Wishful yet, but it looks exactly like NL in the pan...


Well-known member
Naked Lunch would look good...the one used in the pic above looks good to me too...like everyone said, just blend more.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ?MiCHiE?
^Do you see a difference in Wishful (got mine from a CCO, too) and Naked Lunch? I haven't worn Wishful yet, but it looks exactly like NL in the pan...

You know what? Sometimes I get them confused in my palettes and always have to look at my labels to differentiate between the two. But when I apply them, I do notice a slight difference. On my skin, Naked Lunch has a slightly yellowish tinge, kind of like Nylon but not so yellow. I don't know if this makes any sense.


Well-known member
thank you all for your contributions. some of these shades have been recommended to me by people on another makeup board (on myspace b4 i found this one) and when i went to mac counter and had a list of colors to try out, i was asking the lady about some highlight colors and the lady there said that they would look bad on me. Saying that they would be too light or whatever because the people that recommended me were not of my "skin color". I ended up getting another color i could only afford one, but Well, now I know alot better. I'm glad you guys gave me some recs and as well show that we can wear the same stuff as others