Hit on in public places....

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
my mate Steph is really stunning and when we'd go out to town for shopping, dudes in trucks would slow up and toot their horn at her, and more than half of them are old enough to be her dad lol, same in town with other lads.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I managed a BRIDAL STORE.
And the grooms would hit on me while their fiancee was trying on the dress.

lol i dont doubt it! If anything a ring for some guys prolly makes them wanna hit on someone more.


Well-known member
I was driving through London a few days ago with a friend in her convertible Audi. It was a sunny day and we had the roof down. We had a couple of east European guys in a truck alongside us trying their chances! This lasted for about ten minutes as we crawled through the traffic! We both thought it was very funny.


Well-known member
Now, "normal" getting hit on doesn't bother me. When a guy is sweet, and talks to me like I'm just another person and is ok when I inevitably reach the "I already have a boyfriend" bit, it makes me feel flattered and generally ok. I've had guys simply say I was so beautiful and then not expect anything. It's happened a couple times where I've even struck up friendships with the guy which have actually lasted--just because you can't bang me doesn't mean your interest in me as a human being lessened, right?

But the other kind of being hit on that the rest of you are describing, yeah, that makes me feel physically ill sometimes. I've been offered rides when I'm walking somewhere and then FOLLOWED when I say no, I've been followed around in stores by guys who are clearly interested but don't have the guts to say anything, I've been honked at, whistled at, leered at, catcalled at, stopped on the street (and embarassingly enough, literally stopped traffic) and all that.

Most recently I made the mistake of posting my number for less than 24 hours on Facebook. Some random person messaged me weeks later on AIM from Facebook and asked for my number. I refused, saying I had a boyfriend and that I do not want to talk to people I meet online. Then later that night the guy calls me. The one who I never gave my number to. And I guess he got it off Facebook way back when I posted it. He still called me even after I made it so damned clear that I did not in any way want to talk to him. And then said I was rude for hanging up on him. Wtf?! I'm actually thinking of calling my damn phone company to block his number because my piece of crap phone can't block specific numbers. So anyone who's ever crazy enough to post their number online, DON'T.

Guys who hit on me and make me feel like their eyes are crawling all over me, no, sorry, not interested and never will be. Guys who cannot take no for an answer and just keep pushing and pushing, as though it will somehow simultaneously make me stupid enough to find them charming and also get rid of the whole boyfriend problem, they're just ridiculous. And then telling me I'm a coldhearted bitch for not responding the way they like, yes, that's definitely the way into my heart (though pants is probably what they were aiming for).

I just...don't understand. Sometimes guys are so wonderful and I truly wish them the best when they try their luck with me and it inevitably fails (I've been with the same guy for almost 4 years now). And others make me fear for my safety when I'm alone (why does the worst stuff always happen when I'm alone? whhhhhy?).

It got to the point where I rarely went out to places by myself, especially at night. I always got my boyfriend to go with me. And that's so sad that I should actually be afraid, but it's even more foolish to NOT be in this day and age. But then again, I'm speaking as someone who has actually been assaulted and all that, a long time ago, so I'm especially wary.

p.s. fake engagement ring? tried it. still wear one. it DOES NOT WORK!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Katura
Sooo. I'm on my lunch break in downtown Annapolis, getting my usual starbucks iced coffe and sitting in the shade down near the water. (I really llike getting out of the stuffy office building) And this cop slows down while driving past...almost to a complete stop!

I get up after a few minnutes, make the short trek backto my car to find the cop walking up to me.

He stands there for about 5 minutes talking to me about how he's seen me somewhere before, probably down there, and I'm gorgeous....blah blah where do you work? Gooshy pick up stuff...

It's not the first time this stuff has happened....But it's a first that it was a police officer. hahahaha....

So...It's flattering ofcourse, but at the same time I get a little put off by it.

How do you all feel about it when things like this happen? :shrug:

be VERY careful in situations like that. It's really unprofessional and uncustomary for the cop to have followed you like that, and there's a good chance that he may not have been a cop, or at least an uncorrupt cop. I read in cosmo that the new way men are getting women vulnerable to attack is to dress up as a figure of authority like a cop, firefighter, security guard, UPS man etc and since you assume they're legit you open your door wider than you normally would etc. It's been happening a lot more often around the country lately, i've been warning my friends in the dorms about it too.

But being hit on in public can be flattering or gross. Sometimes I get the flirty eyes and "Hey how are you doing?" and i keep walking by but casually look back and say "fine." then i check with my peripherals and see if he's still looking...then i know i still got it
. Out of decency for my man, I never stop and engage in conversation, but I used to. It was a self esteem boost (sick, I know lol). But then there's the gross guys who like make sex faces and stare at the wrong body parts or are just over-persistent. Then i yell out "I'm underage and I don't think my dad would like the way you're talking to me!" and they back off...even though I've been legal for 2 years lol i have a babyface, and it pays off in such situations.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
be VERY careful in situations like that. It's really unprofessional and uncustomary for the cop to have followed you like that, and there's a good chance that he may not have been a cop, or at least an uncorrupt cop. I read in cosmo that the new way men are getting women vulnerable to attack is to dress up as a figure of authority like a cop, firefighter, security guard, UPS man etc and since you assume they're legit you open your door wider than you normally would etc. It's been happening a lot more often around the country lately, i've been warning my friends in the dorms about it too.

i was just going to say that!

i don't get hit on in public very often because i'm usually with my boyfriend or a guy that looks like he might be my boyfriend, so thankfully most dudes are repelled by that. but for some reason that doesn't stop them from making comments about how they would make a move if i was alone...that's REALLY uncomfortable


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
I was driving through London a few days ago with a friend in her convertible Audi. It was a sunny day and we had the roof down. We had a couple of east European guys in a truck alongside us trying their chances! This lasted for about ten minutes as we crawled through the traffic! We both thought it was very funny.

Hah, i had this happend to me last friday on my way home from work. Sedan packed with like 5 black guys in it, waving at me, trying to get me to roll down my windows etc. They basically drove the exact same speed as me for about 5 miles on the road. The would stop their car right next to mine at a light, even if there was 2-3 car spaces in front of them. They finally gave up after the lane they were in got behind, and then they blew past me at like 50 in the 30mph zone after weaving through traffic to catch up. Silly boys.


Well-known member
I get hit on at the clubs or the malls. The funniest time that I ever got hit on was one of my boyfriend's newest workers (he's a manager at a Circuit City). I finally had to stop him mid-flirt and say "I'm dating your boss."

The clubs isn't that bad. I look younger than I am (I just made 27 and I usually get carded EVERYWHERE). If someone hits on me, I usually let him say his lines, then thank him and tell him I'm taken. Most of them are very polite and apologize, but if he continues, then sure- buy me a drink. I then wave over my boyfriend and say "Look what this nice young boy bought me!" I then let the boyfriend (who's 32, almost 6 feet tall and a second degree black belt in judo) say what he needs to while I drink my new free drink.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by asnbrb
while I drink my new free drink.

Haha... That rocks... I love getting free drinks for idiots who think if they buy you a drink your obligated to hang out with them @ the club lol.