Holiday '06 info...

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Well-known member
Found this on another site today!

What we have to look forward to:

4 eye palettes (warm, cool, smoky, sueded)
2 lip palettes (warm, cool)

These palettes have classic black outsides with patterns, but the insides look just like last year's, i.e. 6 square wells, 3 over 3. Sorry, too many color names to remember, but it seemed many of the eye palettes had new colors.

4 lip sets like last year's with 2 l/s and 1 l/g (pink, peach, red, tan)

Palettes (Formal Black collection) due out October 19.

3 brush sets (basic, face, eyes)

2 lip/lustreglass mini sets with 3 lipglasses & 2 lustreglasses (warm, cool)

1 lipgelee mini set (Jellicious (I think), Saplicious, Jellybabe, Who's That Lady)

2 pigment mini sets, 5 vials each (warm, cool)

1 shadestick mini set (included Shimmersand and, I think, Silver Bleu; not sure of others)

I'm already broke!


Well-known member
OMG!!!! i'm so broke now, even by just looking into my computer screen!!! i'm dying to get my hands on a brush set, and also on those palletes!!!


Well-known member
This was originally posted here:

Please use the existing thread to discuss.
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