Holiday of your dreams!


Well-known member
So imagine that somebody gave you an unlimited amount of money to go on the holiday (vacation) of your dreams! Where would you go, where would you stay and most importantly who would you take? family, friends or both?!

Here is my dream vacation-

I would fly myself and my husband Nick to Florida. We would spend a few days in Miami seeing the sights and shopping and having fun on the beach. Plus we are both huge dexter fans so maybe we could spot places where they film that! Then we would travel to Fort Lauderdale to go on a cruise around the Bahamas for a few days (we did this before and it was amazing!). Then when we get back to Florida we would go to Orlando and spend about two weeks just doing all the theme parks and shopping like crazy! And we'd make a rule where we can't eat at the same place more than once! Just so we get to try out lots of new things!

Of course all transport would be first class (no economy flights for us!) and the hotel we stay in while doing the theme parks would have to be disney's animal kingdom lodge. We'd have the room with the best view because you can actually see animals and stuff from your balcony! It is so awesome! Then i think we might spend a couple of nights in the hard rock hotel by universal studios.

^this would be me and nick! lol! :)

You can see I have put too much thought into this! So let me know your your dream holiday is, or if you have already had it then tell us about that!