Homecoming Dress, Makeup, and Hair! with pics!


Well-known member
So, I got this preeeetty dress for homecoming.
The back:

The front:

Minus the tacky bra, or course ;p I wish it was shorter, but I'll live, haha.
I'm pairing it with black shoes and a black necklace and some black earrings.
As for the makeup, I might do something with Danger Zone. What do you guys think? Maybe something similar to this YouTube - MAC Red She Said - Danger Zone Eyeshadow Look
If I do that with my eyes, what should I do to my lips and cheeks?
Think I should do something else with my eyes?
and How do you think I should do my hair?
Does red sparkly nails sound good?

Let me know!!! ALL input is very appreciated :]
I'm very curious to know what you guys think
Love y'all!


Well-known member
Wow that dress is so pretty, I love purples!

I think that the Danger Zone MES would look good, maybe if you mixed it up with the Outspoken MES from Red She Said, since that is a purple/silver trio, I think that would look good with your dress.


New member
OOOOooooh....very sexay! Purple is my favorite color. I'd probably do super loose wavy curls with lots of volume, no necklace and let the dress speak for itself. For sure some pretty dangly earrings, black shoes and I LOVE the eye makeup you have in mind. With eyes that strong and a silk dress in a vibrant color, I'd go more subdued on the lips, perhaps just nico (or something similar) lipglass.
Or, if you do go with a more flashy/dangly type of earring, to show it off you could do a loose chingon up-do sorta like Vanessa's:
Just my take on it! HTH



Well-known member
love the dress!! i agree with thumperG on the first look she mentioned...let your hair loose in wavy curls with lots of volume. some cute earrings, no necklace. your dress is a vibrant color that doesn't need to much jewelry at all.

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