Hope it's okay to post this here...


Well-known member
since I'm not actually pregnant myself but my mum is!!!

We found out a while ago but I never thought to post on here!

She has a 2 year old at the moment who is pretty much my life so I am SOO excited for this second (third?) pregnancy.

She had a miscarriage a a few months ago, so we were all pretty concerned about this one but she has had two scans and everything is fine!


Well-known member
aww that is sweet! i'm happy for her! how old are you if you don't mind me asking? isnt it great to have younger siblings? my youngest sister is 3 and will be 4 in november. (all of our little ones are november babies, lol)


Well-known member
I'm eighteen.

It's great to have younger siblings! I was an only child until I was sixteen so it was definitely a big shock but I couldn't imagine life without my brother! x


Well-known member
Congrats to your mom! I'm sure it's exciting as I'm an only child (well, I have a half-brother, but I've never seen/met him). Growing up, I secretly wished my parents would have more children.


Well-known member
Thank you mzcelaneous!

I was dead against my mum having a baby at first (I didn't say anything of course) but because I was a bit of a spoilt brat back then lol. But two years later, I am thrilled.

So is she! Look at me going on about myself lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mzcelaneous
Congrats to your mom! I'm sure it's exciting as I'm an only child (well, I have a half-brother, but I've never seen/met him). Growing up, I secretly wished my parents would have more children.

Every Only child I have ever talked to, Has said this exact same thing..
although there were times when i was younger that I Wished i didnt have a little brother, i coudlnt imagine not having him around now.

haha like in the movie the labyrinth, when she wishes her little brother would be gone, and the goblins came and took him away ...yeah that was me. haha. I used to tell him i would have the goblins take him away.were 9 years apart, and im 23. you can do the math..

I still tell him im gonna make the goblins take him away. hes taller than me and 14 ..haha


Well-known member
LOL congrats

My mom and I were pregnant at the same time...my daughter and my little sister are two months apart with my daughter being the oldest.

I hope your mom has a comfortable pregnancy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
LOL congrats

My mom and I were pregnant at the same time...my daughter and my little sister are two months apart with my daughter being the oldest.

I hope your mom has a comfortable pregnancy.

Thats so cute. My stepmom and I were pregnant at the same time also. But she lost the baby. It was a boy, too and my dad was soo thrilled because he wanted a son so bad.


Well-known member
Heh, I bet that was an interesting expierence being preggo the same time as your mom. Even if I had a baby at 20, that was already post menopause for my Mom. I'm kinda envious lol, thats such a neat expierence to share with your Mother.

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