Horrid Brows :(


Well-known member
I reaaaally need some help girls! I know alot of you have fantastic brows and I am really unhappy with mine. I'd like to grow and reshape them - however they only seem to ever grow in a certain area, It seems over plucking when I was younger has sort of stopped them from growing.

Has any one got any ideas as to this? Perhaps more of a permanent solution. Or anything I can do to help stimulate the growth? :S sorry if thats a weird question! TIA!<3


Well-known member
Rogaine or Ardell Brow and Lash Accelerator. Also, it's tempting to pluck while they are growing out, if you don't for a few months, you will have more to work with when you are shaping them.


Well-known member
Thankyou thankyou thankyou! I can't seem to find this in the UK but I will keep searching


Well-known member
I don't know how well an accelerator would work...hmmm...
Just resist the urge to pluck for like a month or more, and then groom them very sparingly only plucking strays. There are some good brow plucking tutorials in the Tut section.


Well-known member
Definately lay off of them for awhile. I grew mine in for about 2 months and it was so hard not to tweeze them, but when I finally reshaped them, I was so happy with them.

One thing I read on Specktra was to brush them to help restimulate the growth. I did this with my eyebrow brush every night when I took off my makeup and it seemed to make a difference for me. The patchier areas that I had overplucked finally came back in. Good luck!


Well-known member
I had this same problem. I used to always overpluck my brows.

All i can suggest is to NOT touch them at all. Last year i decided to grow mine out to start fresh, and I didn't even wax them (maybe like once a month--and I'm hairy). I would let my cosmetology teacher wax them for me, but she knew how much and where to take off. I would always pluck this one section on one of my eyebrows, which was where my arch was, and I had one eyebrow with arch and one without.

I didn't take anything..all I did was leave them alone. If you can't stand not tweezing/waxing, go to a salon and tell them your situation so they can help you.


Well-known member
Thanks gals, I left them for quite a longtime. They grew back quicker then I thought they would and I actually brought new, better tweezers, Im much happier with how they are now


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ithica
Thanks gals, I left them for quite a longtime. They grew back quicker then I thought they would and I actually brought new, better tweezers, Im much happier with how they are now

you're lucky. My arch took at least 3 months to grow back. Its funny because most people love their eyebrows when they get them waxed and thin, but I love mine when i don't get them waxed and they keep growing.


Well-known member
I found this on the Oprah site, anyone know anything about why the castor oil would work?

Fast Track
If you've over-plucked your brows, speed up their growth by applying Rogaine with a Q-Tip to the sparse areas, says Damone. Or rub on a small amount of castor oil for the same effect, says Anastasia


Active member
hellooo. ive been tweezing my eye brows for years and have over plucked!!! i can never let them grow on their own and its been soo hard not to touch them!

i got this stuff from talika called eyebrow lipocils. ive been using it for about 2 weeks now and the hair is growing back pretty quick ... only problem is that im not sure if its because im not plucking or its due to this stuff? ive heard to use rogaine so i might try that, but it seems to me that this stuff is helping to an extent. anything could help at this point! it was inexpensive too so i would try it!


Well-known member
castor oil is good
i tried it and i didnt pluck them but castor oil stimulated the growth
and it works on lashes ..really....my lashes have become long and a bit thick!! i will continue using it for another month!!


guys, its really usefull castor oil for lashes.im turkish and in my country this oil very famous.i started 2 use it again about week ago.
im waiting the result,its alco very cheap,and i heard alot of things about talika they is also usefull.
good luck


Well-known member
Anastasia has is a line specifically for brows, they have a product that stimulates growth.. dont remember the name though.. i'll check when i go into work


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tomodachi_usagi
Anastasia has is a line specifically for brows, they have a product that stimulates growth.. dont remember the name though.. i'll check when i go into work

I saw that on the Anastasia site and Brow Boost that I posted earlier is suppose to do the same but I've never heard any reviews on either one of these. So if anyone has used these please let us know what you think.


Well-known member
Talika Lipocils worked for me, my brows started growing like crazy...I had to pluck them twice a week instead of just once.Didn't work that well on my lashes though.