How can I get my eyebrows super light?


Well-known member
I am currently going back to blonde hair. My eyebrows are fairly dark brown but not black. They are also thin. What can I do to get them to that nice brown color that most blondes have?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
facial bleach!

yup, what she said. Or go to a licensed colorist. Don't DARE try anything else other than these two options.


Well-known member
^Same!!! I tried jolen's to make mine a little bit lighter because I died mine brown to go with my dyed hair and they were friggin orange...not purdy! Thank god it's all washed out now, whew


Well-known member
Yup! I believed I used the same brand. I had to spend $10.00 to buy a brown hair color to cover up the orange.


Well-known member
buy a box of light ash brown hair dye and get a clean mascara wand.mix the dye and apply it *VERY CAREFULLY*to ur brows with the slowly and use a very small amount so no dripping happens.

ive done this for a friend who went blonde and then decided her brows needed to go lighter too. it worked perfect with no orange

just be careful.


Well-known member
If you do not want to chemical on your eyebrows, you could also use a tinted brow gel. MAC has great ones! I personally love Girl/Boy -- I have very dark eyebrows and this makes them blonde, and look almost invisible against my dark complexion. You can also try Beguile. :]