How can I get my point across to someone without being a b*tch?


New member
I work 2 jobs from home and one job is really getting to me! Or rather a person is.

I had a bookkeeping business but I am bit bored with that and I am in the process of turning the company over to my sister in-law. This is a headache in itself!
To top things off I start training Monday for a new job that I will also be doing from home.

I am watching a 2yr old. This mother is taking advantage of me. I can't seem to get my point across to her that she needs to pick her son up on time. I would just charge her more but she is on a state program and they pay for child care. She is only ok'd for a certain time. She ALWAYS goes past the time she allowed. Today I have had it! I have my own son and have to get him to school in the mornings. She knows this! I have told her several times she may not drop her son off between 8:10 and 8:30. She told me today she was dropping her son off at 7:40 I said that was fine she didn't get her until 8:15 as I was walking out the door to take my son to school. I thought it was rude but just went about doing my usual routine. She calls me at 12:30 and ask if she can have lunch with some friends after she finishes her last final exam for school. I told her no I had to take my son to the DR. She seemed ticked off but I didn't care. I was not about to take her son with me. I told her she needs to pick her son BEFORE my son gets out of school. Well, that time comes and goes! I get back home with son at 3:20 and she is still not here! My son's DR appointment was at 3:30. I wait around for her and she finally shows. I had just checked my mail and got a notice that she is being dropped from the state program for child care because she missed an appointment with them. I handed her the notice and told her if it was not taken care of as of 10/24 I could no longer watch her son unless she was going to pay me. She was steamed!!! She blew down my street where kids were playing!! Now I was steamed! On my way to the DR.'s I called her and asked her if she could not fly down my street. We have already had one kid hit by a car because of you a teenager speeding in this area. She said fine but she didn't think she was speeding. I left it at that. When I got home the Family Resource lady had called me and told me that if the mother misses this next appointment she will be dropped from the program and I can go back on the list to keep another child. She also informs me that the mother will have a new school schedule as of 10/19. I have been told NOTHING about this!! I have my new job set up so my training is going to be done while she out of school for the next 2 weeks but I will have to go into the "office" once in awhile. How I can get through to this person that has no respect for other peoples time?
What is a nice way to say Hey, stop being a loser and come get your kid? Of course that is what I want to say but I need to find a way to be a bit nicer. I don't plan on watch her son much longer but I do need the extra money right now. The extra money supports my m/u addiction!

Is this a total lost cause? Am I doomed to deal with this until I drop her?

My husband wants me to drop but if I do that it means no MAC holiday anything. yes, I know it seems silly but I really enjoy my makeup treats. These are my only little treats I get so I covet them!

BTW sorry this is so long. I really needed to vent! My friends are no help they have nothing nice to say about her.


Well-known member
Couldn't you contact the family resource people and say that you're not prepared to work with this mother and outline the reasons? They already know she causes them problems but may not be aware of the trouble she's causing you. Perhaps they'll drop her and give you a new charge. If not they may give her a warning about her timekeeping and drop her if she doesn't improve.


Well-known member
aw, no problem, venting always helps make a person better. I have no advice, but you are totally in the right!


New member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Couldn't you contact the family resource people and say that you're not prepared to work with this mother and outline the reasons? They already know she causes them problems but may not be aware of the trouble she's causing you. Perhaps they'll drop her and give you a new charge. If not they may give her a warning about her timekeeping and drop her if she doesn't improve.

Thanks, I am going to try this. I just need to stick it out a little longer.
Thanks for the support!

Originally Posted by vloky
aw, no problem, venting always helps make a person better. I have no advice, but you are totally in the right!

Thanks Vloky!