How can you view the Mac website promotional pics in larger size?


Well-known member
As in the pics that you see on the homepage which are part of the slide show, like the Ornamentalism woman and the painted nails etc You can't save them while they're part of the slide show and when you click 'overview' they're tiny and when you click on each collection they show the products spread out rather than the main promotional picture.

Also has anyone noticed that the pictures where all the products are spread out, if you hover over each product it tells you what each thing is rather than the whole picture named as one thing! Don't know if people already knew that but i just realised that now and thought it was pretty cool to figure out what is what!


New member
the reason u cant save them is because they are done with flash. pretty much meant for us to not be able to save... they dont use html or css for it... so im not really sure how u can save them or make them bigger. my best guess would be to possibly google the collection name for an image and check like that... sorry if i wasnt much help...


Well-known member
Oh--if you click on "country chooser", the Ornamentalism image comes up (not flash), and you can save it. Just tried it to be sure, and it works.


Well-known member
Yeah I emailed MAC about hovering over the pictures and being able to see the names of the products in the ad pics when the Madame B came out. Thankfully it seems that other people must've also noticed that and e-mailed. Before that it was hit or miss if they actually did that or not,. since then I notices that it has been doing it consistantly. Nice to know they actually take people's suggestions seriously.

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