How do they do this........lure collection already on eBay!


Well-known member
Hey.....i searched "mac collection" on eBay and i ended up finding the Lure collection which of course is yet to be released. I was wondering how do people get a hold of this? I'm guessing they work for MAC or maybe attended a workshop or event and got them??? Has anyone seen this? I think someone did this right before Lingerie came out. Must be nice to have access to the new products before everyone else!!!! Anyways, here's the link......i hate the green packaging!!!!! LOL ZViewItem

Item number: 9523610363


Well-known member
Actually it's been the same ebay seller every time (at least since Lingerie)- he/she must have one hell of a hook up!


Well-known member
Don't some pro stores release collections early somtimes? I think there was a user on here that was able to purchase some Lure stuff already.


Well-known member
Pro stores do release early to the public and I know MAC employees get gratias but I'm not sure if that gets distributed early.


Well-known member
Hmm, I get my LBH stuff on the 1st of June from my freestanding ( I think the actual release date is the 8th?) and I am just your average addict. (Well I am sure if they are tracking our total purchases,. I am not the average,.. lol, if nothing else they should know my customer number by heart) I got that Ginormous naked lady poster and mine had an insert to call and reserve my stuff ahead of time and I can pick it up when the store opens on the 1st. I know sometimes they do it a bit early here but,..that is really early. I think Wontpayretail probably has it about right,.. maybe a Pro store employee getting early gratis??


Well-known member
i emailed the ebay seller and he said his wife is in the professional business ( i think makeup for people in tv? i forgot what he said his wife did exactly for a living) and she gets these items ahead of time gratis from mac for what she does (her profession) and if i remember correctly i asked why she didnt keep it and he said his wife doesnt wear makeup. BUMMER - i would keep it being that lucky to have it before everyone else!! but i guess they know that they are making a killing selling a collection before it's even out and being that it was free to begin with!


Well-known member
I'm getting lure tomorrow from the pro store... they sometimes get and well let you buy stuff up to 3 weeks earlier then the date everybody else gets it (they put it out at LA pro whenever they get it)


Well-known member
MAC sends it to them gratis. Employees get it that way and if you are "true" makeup artist and are with an agency you can get a professional discount and then ALL the companies send you new collection to your home or office in hopes you will use them on your modes so they will be seen in mags.

My friend works for an agency and she gets every single new collection from almost every makeup line sent to her.


Well-known member
the mac pro on robertson often has collections out a few weeks in advance. see-thru color was there almost a month ago when i went in, and my favorite MA promised me that she shines would be available in about a week. they do release stuff early at the pro stores on occasion.

Classic Beauty

Well-known member
Originally Posted by bebs
I'm getting lure tomorrow from the pro store... they sometimes get and well let you buy stuff up to 3 weeks earlier then the date everybody else gets it (they put it out at LA pro whenever they get it)

Oooh, please do take pictures for us.


Well-known member
Some counters (mine, for example) get these collections pretty far in advance and just don't tell anyone or sell the stuff. We already have it at the counter, but our manager can't let us buy it or sell it of course. Maybe some managers let them...who knows?! But I want it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Yeah they sell collections earlier sometimes at the stores and at PRO stores sometimes they have little 'mac parties' and you can buy the stuff early! my friend at the counter went to one at the Robertson PRO store and bought all the Lure stuff last week. (it's so FREAKIN BEAUTIFUL. everyone is going to go crazy for this line)

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