how do u make ur colors POP/look BOLD??


Well-known member
i'm having a dillemma-i'm applying bare canvas paint as a base, and then using bold colors, however they don't look so bold nor do they pop after i blend. what am i doing wrong, overblending or not packing enough shadows?

please help me to have my colors pop and show Boldly, thanks
any tips or secrets please post


Well-known member
Using a coloured base that's in the same family as your eye shadow colours helps a lot (ie red under pinks, reds, purples... )


Well-known member
I find that Bare Canvas washes out colors. So Try using it as your all over base & then use a paint pot/shadestick in a similar color to the one that you want to make bold & use that on top of the Bare Canvas.


Well-known member
i m worried that paint pot will make me too greasy----are the paint pots all the same texture?

which paint pots colors do u recommend me getting--the most versatile that i can use w/lots of e/s and will make me POP?


Well-known member
Definitely agree with Nyla2120. If you are worried about paint pots being greasy (I don't find them greasy, more creamy), or if you have oily lids use the Bare Canvas or UDPP under the paint pots. I would get the colored paint pots for the colors to pop..Fresco Rose, Delft, Blackground, etc.

glassy girl

Well-known member
Bare Study and Painterly are good nuetrals and if u worried about looking to greasy just use a light hand practic makes perfect it took me 4 ever to master putting bases under my shadow without looking oily/cakey ect. But once u do it looks beautiful and really makes ur shadow pop good luck.


Well-known member
will pro paint sticks help to make my colors pop? can someone explain them and recommend colors?


Well-known member
I find just using UDPP makes mine pop. Other things unmentioned are shadesticks but i don't think they work all that well personally as a primer. Have you tried UDPP? It will also make your shadow stay all day, I also have oily lids but this doesnt affect my makeup with udpp.


Well-known member
For me, UD PP + Shadesticks or Paint Pots make my eyeshadows pop. If I had to chose one Paint Pot, I'd go with Bare Study. It works with my neutrals and colors. I use my finger to apply my Paint Pots, but occasionally I'll use an old concealer brush. I prefer my fingers though, since precision isn't such a big deal.


Well-known member
I use Visine instead of Mixing Medium with my pigments. Works like a charm! And I've noticed less creasing! You can use it with shadows too if you're careful.
And of course, its always good to use a paint or paint pot color as a base for similarly colored shadows/pigments. If I don't have a paint or paint pot in a similar color, Bare Study always works with whatever!
Also, the 239 brush is really handy for depositing really rich colors! Wet, or dry!

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
I think getting pro paint sticks for this unnecessary. I agree with who ever mentioned getting shadesticks and paint pots in the same color family as the shadow and using it as a base. Also make sure you're patting the shadow on, not sweeping. I follow this advice and my colors pop as much as I need them too. I have semi-oily eye lids, I use shadow insurance primer by too faced as well, along with the paint pots and shadesticks and i'm fine. If you have a dark shadestick or L'Oreal Creme Crayon in black, you can use that for almost any color too to make it pop.


Well-known member
I have SUPER oily lids and I find that using UDPP plus a paint pot in the same color family as the shadows makes the colors POP and I don't get greasy at all! HTH


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macedout
is udpp "stronger" better than bare canvas paint? for popping colrs

I find it doesn't dull the colors like Bare Canvas, and it's creamier so that seems to make the colors pop more.


Well-known member
I don't know if UDPP is "stronger" than Bare Canvas per se. But, I can tell you that UDPP helps me with my oily lids much better than paints do. When I put paint on my lid, the paint itself creases. I also agree that UDPP is creamier too.


Well-known member
The Best Brushes to use are synthetic ie 242, 252. My MA likes to use the 217 to apply paint pots. It does give a lighter application though.

I like UDPP. I have Painterly and It always makes every color matte, it doesn't matter how shiny it is, always matte. I agree with the shadesticks, but if I heard correctly, most of them are getting discontinued. [I'm waiting till i can go to a CCO to pick them up]


Well-known member
I swear by my Fluidlines to make my shadows & pigments POP...& it helps them last.
My favorite is Delineate, for my purple/pink families, especially, (but also interesting under gold-themed colors, as well.)

If I want the colors to last into the next Day, I'm likely to use UDPP *and* a Fluidline
(especially Delineate, my favorite (& if I ever use up my back-up, I will grieve

I hope you soon discover what works best for your Art


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