How do you come up with your E/S combos?

**Sorry if this has already been asked** nothing came up in my search.

I've always had a hard time putting together e/s color combos.
I'd love to hear how you guys create your e/s looks.

Thank you so much!



Well-known member ~ Has almost all the eyeshadow and examples of what to wear with it. Also I go into the FOTD and Tutorials and type in a search for a shadow I have and see what others have paired with it.

Hope that helps


Well-known member
Experimenting! It's the best part about owning makeup. For example, I did a quick look with a matte brown, Coppering and Ricepaper.


Well-known member
I experiment, but mostly come up with combos by building around one color that I know I want to wear.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I prefer not to outright experiment, because if it goes awry, I feel like I've wasted make up and I get quite angry LOL I like to watch tuts and look at fotds and other forms of inspo, consider what I'm comfortable with and write things down. I like to write down color combos, placements, application techniques. It helps me to sit down and start putting on a look, already having an idea, so that it's bound to turn out to be wearable at the least.


Well-known member
I play around with the textures of the shadows, with undertones of certain shadows, I contrast with dark and light. Bright colors toned with more neutral ones. I am not afraid to experiment. There is enough shadows in those pans to last a life time. Don't be afraid to experiment, practice, swatch colors next to each others. I think creating the looks/combos is the fun part of putting on make up.


Well-known member
I experiment... I swatch and blend on the back of my hand and then try it on... If it looks good, I make notes. If not, I scrap it.


Well-known member
^ Ditto. I usually swatch and blend on the back of my hand to see if the colours match.

I like exprementing. I always do that on weekends when I've nothing to do


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
I experiment... I swatch and blend on the back of my hand and then try it on... If it looks good, I make notes. If not, I scrap it.


I pick one color I wanna wear, swatch it, quite long and thick on my hand. I then swatch around that swatch to see what looks best together.


Well-known member
Also experiment... but when you don't want to/can't - is a great source, plus you can get many great ideas at Specktra (especially in the FOTD forum), YouTube tutorials, sometimes you can even find great combos in the makeupalley review section.


Well-known member
Pretty much what Kariii and Kittykit said. I love experimenting, my fav part of makeup! And if it's a combo that is a little questionable, I do it on a weekend or during a quiet night in. My bf has gotten used to it by now

I also check out FOTD's and makeup reviews. I make sure to put my 2 cents in when warranted too, like in reviews or recs. Playing around is part of the fun. It makes us girly. Boys have cars that they tune and pour money in to, I have my makeup bag. And it's a force to be reckoned with.


Well-known member
Experimentation (most definitely). As someone else mentioned...that's half the fun of makeup! Sometimes I just jump in and go.
I am also inspired by many of the other people on Specktra (and elsewhere) who post FOTDs. There's creativity everywhere!

The one other thing that I've started to draw inspiration my environment. (I'd say "nature", but I think that oversimplifies things). Ever look at color combos that exist naturally? Flowers (for example) don't tend to clash with themselves! Neither do animals. That said, I think you can also draw inspiration from your not-so-natural environment. Anything from poster ads in the an arrangement of table linens. :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I experiment, but mostly come up with combos by building around one color that I know I want to wear.

That's pretty much what I do. I think about what I'm going to wear (usually the night before) and then pick a shade that will complement it and build a combination around it.

For example: today I'm wearing black and grey but my shoes are purple suede so I decided to use my MUFE #92 and stick to a purple theme but tone it down some for work. I used Petalesence (sp?), Floral Fantasy, and MUFE #92 for the purples on the lid, Romp and Bronze for the outer V and crease to add a neutral and Shroom as a neutral highlight.

I think most of the fun of make-up is planning new combinations to try!

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