How Do You Cope When You Can't Buy?


Well-known member
How do you all cope when MAC releases a delicious new collection, but there is absolutely no room in your budget to allow you to buy anything?


Well-known member
I think to myself that sooner or later pple will be selling their back-ups or similiar items will come out.


Well-known member
I've noticed that MAC has a way of resurrecting LE items down the road.
For example, I missed out on "Coco" pigment, but got "Sunnydaze" just this past June, and it's practically the same thing.
Similarly, I missed "Ruby Red," but "Accent Red" is on the way!
Wish they'd bring back "Stiletto" lipstick!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I consider whether what I want is REALLY that different from anything I already have.

same here. i pick and choose which is the most unique and that'd i'd use a lot. those colors usually end up being purple and pinks because i know without a doubt that those colors work on me. so, no remorse.


Well-known member
Sometimes I do have to pull myself up short and ask, "Carla, do you really NEED another brown eyeshadow?"
But some little part of me still wonders if this is The Eyeshadow that would make all others seem obsolete.
When this happens, I get out my similar items and just admire them, and think, "I own these beautiful things; isn't that enough?"
How sick *is* this?


Well-known member
Get depressed. J/K. I wait until I can get them. I'm still waiting to get Technacolor and now I want some things from Untamed. I may end up dipping into savings.
*I feel so ashamed*


Well-known member
I try to buy maybe just one item that way I "feel like Im doing something" so even if its just one eyeshadow or lipglass at least I got SUMTHIN


Well-known member
I hate that feeling of wanting something and not being able to get it. So i mind my savings account pay all bills at the beginning of the month and everything so i can survive and then MAC. I have not yet had a time where there was somethig that i wanted and wasnt able to get it because of budget limitations. THANK GOD!


Well-known member
Good question, I just got into MAC last month, and I am for the first time experiencing the frustration of not being able to keep up with the collections financially. I've already spent about $200 on Amuse & Technacolour (which I know for some mac-aholics isn't a lot, but I've never spent that much on m/u before) so I feel like i've binged a bit...I guess I'll try to not get caught up in fervor of the limited-editioness of everything - after all, there will be like 5 other l/e collections coming out right upon its heels!


Well-known member
Whatever you do, DO NOT GO NEAR A M.A.C counter, store or whatever if you can avoid it. Just wait it out, Although if you are really having trouble you might feel better with one thing or something. Convincing yourself you really don't need it also works wonders


Well-known member

I kick, stomp, throw a tantrum, cry, curl up in a fetal position and rock myself to sleep.....

Just kidding

I usually try to list the items that have collected dust, for extra cash, or swap some things with others so that my 'collection' is always changing...keeps my addiction alive, I guess!

And if that doesn't work, I'll stare at each item until I can find something 'bad' or 'ugly' about it, and stick to that opinion! That way I can convince myself that I didn't want it anyway :p


Well-known member
I have actually considered opening a savings account for just such "emergencies," but it would probably be gone in no time, or else I'd find myself thinking, "Okay, if I skip putting the usual amount into savings *just this month*, I can buy-"
In a few years, you'll see me living under a bridge, lugging my big sack of high-end cosmetics.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ebonyannette
I try to buy maybe just one item that way I "feel like Im doing something" so even if its just one eyeshadow or lipglass at least I got SUMTHIN

Me too, I do the same thing. That, and I think about children in Ethiopia who don't even get enough food and water much less MAKEUP. :\


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cno64
In a few years, you'll see me living under a bridge, lugging my big sack of high-end cosmetics.



Funny stuff, keep it coming!


Well-known member
I negotiate with myself. I will buy just 1 item and it has to be unique from everything else I have. If I really can't afford it then I just sit and pout about it for a day or 2, then I get over it. =)


Active member
I print out my inventory and remind myself how much I already own. I remind myself of other collections that will be coming up that I can hope for. If that fails, I try taking out things I haven't used at all or only a couple of times and creating looks for them. This reminds me I only have one face. If I still don't get it, I organize my collection and clean my brushes. By then, usually I have discovered "I don't need another BROWN eyeshadow", or I'm too tired to go buy another item. You can scour Specktra for negative comments about the product....and remind yourself how glad you are you didn't spend on that item. And remind yourself, you should pay your light bill so you can see when you apply your MAC in the morning...You need gas money to be able to drive to the MAC store...You need to buy groceries to keep up the strength in your hands to apply that MAC...You need to pay the water bill to wash your face so it is ready for MAC... and You need to pay your internet bill to surf Specktra!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Georgiecat
I print out my inventory and remind myself how much I already own. I remind myself of other collections that will be coming up that I can hope for. If that fails, I try taking out things I haven't used at all or only a couple of times and creating looks for them. This reminds me I only have one face. If I still don't get it, I organize my collection and clean my brushes. By then, usually I have discovered "I don't need another BROWN eyeshadow", or I'm too tired to go buy another item. You can scour Specktra for negative comments about the product....and remind yourself how glad you are you didn't spend on that item. And remind yourself, you should pay your light bill so you can see when you apply your MAC in the morning...You need gas money to be able to drive to the MAC store...You need to buy groceries to keep up the strength in your hands to apply that MAC...You need to pay the water bill to wash your face so it is ready for MAC... and You need to pay your internet bill to surf Specktra!


Well-known member

Originally Posted by Georgiecat
I print out my inventory and remind myself how much I already own. I remind myself of other collections that will be coming up that I can hope for. If that fails, I try taking out things I haven't used at all or only a couple of times and creating looks for them. This reminds me I only have one face. If I still don't get it, I organize my collection and clean my brushes. By then, usually I have discovered "I don't need another BROWN eyeshadow", or I'm too tired to go buy another item. You can scour Specktra for negative comments about the product....and remind yourself how glad you are you didn't spend on that item. And remind yourself, you should pay your light bill so you can see when you apply your MAC in the morning...You need gas money to be able to drive to the MAC store...You need to buy groceries to keep up the strength in your hands to apply that MAC...You need to pay the water bill to wash your face so it is ready for MAC... and You need to pay your internet bill to surf Specktra!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Georgiecat
I print out my inventory and remind myself how much I already own.

Good idea, this is what I do with my clothing and accessories whenever I need to remind myself that I already own ungodly amounts of stuff, have never done it with the m/u before though...I should start!! Also, when you say inventory, do you keep a written inventory of your items somewhere? It may sound OCD, but I've seriously thought about building a filemaker database to catalogue all my stuff in.