how do you eat YOUR m&m's?


Well-known member
OK Everyone has their own quirks so-

How do you eat your m&m's?

Do you- eat them in one big hand full?


Do you eat certain colors first?


Do you just eat one by one?

I have to admit- I eat certain colors first and one by one.

See I eat the Orange first, then the yellow, then the brown, then I eat the red, then I eat the green and lastly, I eat the blue. I love the blue the best.

Sure they all taste like Chocolate but the blue-I just like the color the best.

What about you?


Well-known member
peanut butter are my favorite...but i like em all.

i like to split the bag along the seam on 3 sides so it makes a little plate...then i like to split up the colors.. then i eat em up one color at a time...always leaving orange for last cause that's my fav.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
regardless of what they say. they do melt in your hand

That is true indeed! hehehe

hmmm no color preference but I eat them one by one. Only plain though, once in a while when I am desperate then I will reach for peanut M & Ms but rarely no.


Well-known member
I just eat them...all of them...several at a time...mmmmm this is making me want some m&m's!

Another Janice!

Well-known member
yep...I win for the most OCD in the bunch!

I pour em all out and organize them into colors. Then I start eating the colors with the greatest amount and go down to the second most and so on. Then, when I have the same amount in every color, I go around and eat just one from the colors until there are no more left.

Green is my favorite!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Another Janice!
yep...I win for the most OCD in the bunch!

I pour em all out and organize them into colors. Then I start eating the colors with the greatest amount and go down to the second most and so on. Then, when I have the same amount in every color, I go around and eat just one from the colors until there are no more left.

Green is my favorite!

I love it! You've got a great system.

Me? I vary. Sometimes I eat one at a time in no particular order, but if I've really been craving chocolate they go in a small handful at a time.


Well-known member
I eat them in random order, but I'm in the habit of cracking them between my teeth like sunflower seeds.

When I was a wee 10-year-old at boarding school, our 'make-up' consisted of licking red M&Ms and smudging the red dye onto our lips.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
I eat them in random order, but I'm in the habit of cracking them between my teeth like sunflower seeds.

OH! OH !! I do that too. I crack the shells and try to get all the shells off before getting a hold of the chocolate. I LOVE doing that!

What would a psychologist say about each of our methods? What does it say about us?

That we are very sick people. LOL


Well-known member
I am probably the biggest M&M freak in the world. I do eat them one at a time in random color order, but my freak comes in when I come upon a blue one. I don't know if any of you remember, but a long time ago they axed the light brown ones and had a vote to replace them with a new color, and that color ended up being blue. I was so angry about this at the time that I refused to eat the blue ones, and that's kind of stuck, so I just eat all of the others and then hoist the blue ones on someone without my bizarre M&M color principles.


Well-known member
I eat them randomly for a few handfulls, and then I split them into colors. I go around and even out the piles so they all have the same amount, and then eat them in mini piles that have one of each color.

I also like to pry the shells off with my teeth. And the peanut ones, man, don't get me started. I'll try to pry the shell off, and then the chocolate, and then be left with just the peanut.


Well-known member
I get a handfull of M&M's with peanuts, and then eat the colours I have most of one by one, until I have the same number of colours in my hand. Then I eat from every colour one, and again and again until I don't have any left.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by medusalox
I also like to pry the shells off with my teeth. And the peanut ones, man, don't get me started. I'll try to pry the shell off, and then the chocolate, and then be left with just the peanut.

& I would spit out the peanuts! This is when I can't get plain ones! :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by moonrevel
I am probably the biggest M&M freak in the world. I do eat them one at a time in random color order, but my freak comes in when I come upon a blue one. I don't know if any of you remember, but a long time ago they axed the light brown ones and had a vote to replace them with a new color, and that color ended up being blue. I was so angry about this at the time that I refused to eat the blue ones, and that's kind of stuck, so I just eat all of the others and then hoist the blue ones on someone without my bizarre M&M color principles.

hee hee...i always try to pass off the grape skittles, or pitch them...not cause of the color, but because i hate grape flavoring


Well-known member
plain/crunchy/the smaller ones i eat a couple at a time, sucking them in my mouth until they're almost gone and totally dissolved into almost nothing.

peanut (my favorite..mmm) i eat one by one, eating around the peanut then the peanut last.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by moonrevel
..... I don't know if any of you remember, but a long time ago they axed the light brown ones and had a vote to replace them with a new color, and that color ended up being blue. I was so angry about this at the time that I refused to eat the blue ones, and that's kind of stuck, so I just eat all of the others and then hoist the blue ones on someone without my bizarre M&M color principles.

A woman of principles!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Another Janice!
yep...I win for the most OCD in the bunch!

I pour em all out and organize them into colors. Then I start eating the colors with the greatest amount and go down to the second most and so on. Then, when I have the same amount in every color, I go around and eat just one from the colors until there are no more left.

Green is my favorite!

hahaha no way! i do this too. :p