How do you feel about colored contacts?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Babylard
i think colour contacts are fun. I'm considering getting them as well. You can get the monthy ones and get a different colour each month. Heck, I'm Asian and I'm willing to wear purple contacts too! LOL I think of contacts similar to a piece of clothing or stylish glasses - you can wear whatever colour you want.

About your stupid roomate:
I'm Asian too and I dye my hair a lot. My natural hair colour is black and the only other way to dye your hair is Lighter. It's really stupid how people say that Asians want to be "white" when they dye their hair. Like hello, is there anything darker than black? I've dyed my hair from natural black, to brown, to red, and right now I'm a blonde. Don't get me wrong, I like my black hair and I've even dyed it back to black as well. It doesn't mean I want to be "white." I like changing my looks. It's sad that your roomate is so ignorant!

I've always wanted grey eyes and honey. Go for it! You'll look stunning and your eyes will pop!

THANK YOU for saying this. It's true, if you have black hair and brown can only really go lighter! Black colored contacts (like dialated eyes) aren't my thing
so I would love to go for green or even violet to mix things up. Doesn't mean that I don't like who I am. It's like makeup--you try out different things to throw some variety into your life. Some things work, others don't, but it's the journey not the destination which makes life interesting IMHO.


Well-known member
I'm Mexican and I'd get shit from my family for doing the "fake look". I had very light blond hair for being as dark as I am and it looked AWESOME!! My colorist was seriously talented. I think when you have dark skin and go to blond it has to be that perfect shade or else it looks cheap and trashy. Then I bought some super bright blue contacts, totally unnatural, totally fun. It's not like I was trying convince anyone they were real, I was just having fun with a different look. I got more compliments on them than complaints and I was impressed to see I could rock the "fake" so well, lol!!! I thought it looked really hot, but I got bored with it eventually and went back to something more natural. I will rock it again when I move back out west haha.

Anyway, I'd tell your friend to stop being such a hater. It's a temporary way to change your look, not your ethnicity.

I can post pics with my contacts if you like. Or if you search past posts, you can probably find them from when I previously posted pics.


Active member
I love wearing colored contacts. As I have medium-dark brown eyes it´s difficult for me to find contact lenses that won´t make me look completely fake, but I found some:

Freshlookcolor blends in grey...I love it. My father has grey eyes-now I look like his daughter



Originally Posted by Fairyphoebe
I love wearing colored contacts. As I have medium-dark brown eyes it´s difficult for me to find contact lenses that won´t make me look completely fake, but I found some:

Freshlookcolor blends in grey...I love it. My father has grey eyes-now I look like his daughter

Very pretty! I have the same brand and color contacts as you and I get many compliments on them. I love how they have grey with hazel and green specks in them. I also have clear disposable contacts for days when I want neither glasses nor colored contacts.


Well-known member
i am NW35 and i always wear coloured contact. i like it as it makes my eyes bigger and somehow brighten my face. idk how to explain it but it does! i personally doesn't like freshlook colorblends as i cannot wear it for a long time or else it hurts! but maybe it is just me coz my sis likes it a lot. my fav colour for all time will be grey as i have black hair and dark brown eyes. green also look nice on me but i cannot wear honey coz its too yellow on me..

these are some of my pics in contacts!









P.S: sorry for the huge pictures!!


Well-known member
i personally dont wear colored contacts now. but, i did for a year or so when i was in college. as a makeup lover its hard for me to bash colored contacts any more then acrylic nails, hair color or make up itself. im 32 years old and havent seen my natural haircolor since i was in 7th grade. my colorist had to tell me i was gray about 4 years ago!!!

imo, these are all ways of enhancing what you have or just creating a "look" in general. the only time i think colored contacts, makeup, nails or anything else is inappropriate is when you are doing these things to be or become something you are not. if you are comfortable with yourself then do yo thang girl, go 'head with ya bad self.

hell, dollar discount stores around here sell colored contacts for 25 bucks. it hard NOT to see them everywhere for that price.


Well-known member
Personally, I think they just look fake. I went through the trend like 15 years ago when they were first introduced. And I never kidded myself that people thought they were my real eye color, and it had nothing to do with wanting to be white, it was wanting to try something new.

I really take issue with the dark-skinned black girls who try and sport the blue ones, and wear them EVERY FREAKIN' DAY. We all know they aren't your real eye color, they look fake as hell. And during a conversation, they are extremely distracting, and look odd, not being able to see the iris. I know this Brazilian chick who wears green contacts everyday, and they just look silly, in addition to her big faux ta-ta's and ass implants.

And what's so wrong with brown eyes? Brown is beautiful, remember? Just rock the brown eyes and be happy with what you've got, instead of trying to change every single thing on your body.


I am black (light skinned) and I used to wear hazel contacts. A lot of people will disagree with me, but I've always felt it's okay for women to have 2-3 fake items on their body at a time. So if you have fake contacts, then fake hair and nails are okay. But when you add more than 3 at a time, it doesn't matter how great you look, it seems like you are trying too hard. It also seems guys appreciate you less, because most of them are into 'the real thing' and too much fake is a bad thing.

I am not saying anything bad about anyone who regularly lives beyond the 3 rule, but it's a personal thing I live by.

I think if the contacts look realistic, it's ok. It does bother me to see someone wearing purple, light green or BRIGHT, light blue eyes when no matter what they were mixed with, there is no way on this planet their eyes could ever look like that.

Hair, makeup, clothes, nails, and eyes..they are all accesories to your look. If it's over the top, no matter how many compliments you get, believe that the majority of the world thinks you look rediculous and they are too nice not to tell you.

For example: Lil' Kim. She just doesn't look right.

So just to clarify- any of these items are what I consider enhancements

Acrylic/other nails
Breast implants
Butt implants

If you have implants, then you should only have 2 fake additional items on you at any time. Again, you don't have to agree, just the way I feel. The only fake things I wear these days are hair and occasionally nails. Everything else is real.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bitterswt76
I am not saying anything bad about anyone who regularly lives beyond the 3 rule, but it's a personal thing I live by.

just so you know, i have copied and pasted what you typed and emailed it to all of my girlfriends. it will also be my mission to spread that rule from this day forward.

i was laughing so hard because although i never thought about it------it seems so true. generally speaking 3 things is about all you can get away with without looking like you truly are trying be something/ somebody else.

i also polled my husband and his friends and they looked puzzled for a minute and then slowly started to admit that even though they never identified the RULE OF 3's as we now call it (yes we named it)- they have all been unconsciously living by it.

one of the guys even pointed out that the last thing he wants is to end up with "ol girl from the movie im gonna git you sukka- you that broad who ended up bald and one legged after she took all that s**t off?" and thats really is a quote ladies. ive gotten a few email replies and text messages about it since i started typing this reply and still- more and more people are agreeing with you.

they too say that its not necessarily a "hard" rule but it is a very good standard. one even said in order to violate the rule of 3"s youd better have spent a lot of money to get away with it. she says you better have top notch ellin levar $3,000 weave; las vegas showgirl implants, and those $500 lash extensions. and even at that you still only get ONE more.

ok i just read that out loud to my husband and his brother and they agree. but still wanted to make it known that if you had all that high end stuff you would be the chick they date or kick it with--- not marry and take home to momma.


Well-known member
I dont really like them... people should just embrace brown eyes... i mean i have green and im NC41.. but at the end of the day, who the hell looks at my eyes?
I think colored contacts are ok for parties, events, fun etc, but never worn everyday, you'll forget your real self eventually!
Plus... in my opinion, brown is the most beautiful color, I wish i had them, but you dont see me rushing out to get color contacts...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by priss
ok i just read that out loud to my husband and his brother and they agree. but still wanted to make it known that if you had all that high end stuff you would be the chick they date or kick it with--- not marry and take home to momma.

LMAO!! Right!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LadyLaundale
I really take issue with the dark-skinned black girls who try and sport the blue ones, and wear them EVERY FREAKIN' DAY. We all know they aren't your real eye color, they look fake as hell. And during a conversation, they are extremely distracting, and look odd, not being able to see the iris.

This is so true. I actually have a girl that works at a store in my territory and when I have to go in and talk to her I can't stop looking at her crazy ass eyes. She's Hispanic with fair skin but she has dark hair and these blue/grey contacts when you can see her eyes are clearly dark brown. She looks like an alien. Geez.


Well-known member
colour contacts rarely look half decent, what people dont realise is that brown eyes are never just 'brown' they have different tones, and shades in them, so embrace that instead, much more unique, nothing attratcive about looking like you coloured your eyes in with a highlighter ( u know flourescent green, blue, PURPLE ( WTF???) jajajaj u get the message)


Well-known member
I tried gray contacts and I have hazel brown eyes. They looked awesome on with my black hair but I can't see with them (even with my prescription). I get a hazyness or like an underwater effect when wearing them and find it hard to look at things so I can't wear them unless I want to strain my eyes. Which I was a bit disappointed by. They were the acuvue colored contacts.

I've only worn them twice. For Halloween and when I took some pictures last winter. Has anyone else had this problem and maybe can suggest colored contacts in a light blue or gray that I won't have that problem with?

This is what they look like on me.


Well-known member
Iv'e seen asian girls with grey contacts & I think it's pretty. Wearing colored contacts is like wearing an accessory.

I personally, don't wear them but I don't have a prob. with someone who does. It's your eyes, do whatever you want


Well-known member
I want some! I think it'll be fun. Add a new dimension of drama. I mean we wear eyeshadows - they're not our "natural color." So what's the hold back with contacts? For me, it's just another way to modify/enhance/play/dabble and have fun. Plus it's not permanent. You CAN take them out...

I say if you wanna get them, then get them. You're obviously curious... It doesn't have anything to do with discomfort or content.

And you've just reminded me to do just that. So thank you :p


Well-known member
id really like to try them. I wear glasses for "eye relief" basically, when im drafting/drawing/sewing or reading and my eyes get tried and i start to have blurred vision or see spots.
i have hazel eyes. I dry my hair ginger and am fair with freckles, i've always wanted to have greener eyes. And i've always wondered how i would look with blue. My brother and i look a lot a like and he has blue eyes. Obviously, they suit him, but for some reason, i think i would look weird with them.
i'd love to try and see though.


Well-known member
hmmm...I always wanted some, but they seem a little cliched, know what I mean? They do look great on some folks and not so great on others, I think you have to consider your skin tone when choosin a color


New member
I had hazel contacts for 8 years [12-20], and while I liked them, I felt like such a fraud everytime someone would gush over my eyes. Almost every single time I'd go out, a stranger would ask me about my eyes.

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