How do you feel about facebook?


Well-known member
Or a myspace...I guess if you still use it..

I used to have a facebook ever since I was in high school. I think I did it because I just wanted to jump on the bandwagon and look cool. I'd write on people's walls, post pictures of myself and my friends, keep in touch. But I was one of those people who became pretty facebook addicted and quickly.

Then the shit hit the fan. Of course people will post the unflattering pics of you, or the candid pics of you (the ones you would never imagine in a million YEARS would pop up online), the facebook stalking, the drama etc. I am extremely self conscious and when I see a pic of me that I don't want up there (for example, parties in college makes for lots of unflattering pictures, not to mention embarassing ones you'd never show to your mom. There's one on there when I'm in this totally revealing outfit and it's not getting taken down anytime soon) there is no way I can take it down because it's not my property. Untagging doesn't do much for my conscience. Plus I heard employers can dig you up on there (they have ways, according to my dad..who may just have been trying to scare me into deleting mine lol) and see EVERYTHING.

It's a little scary what technology can do these days. Even though most people feel like it's harmless, I feel a lot of people can take it out of control and it can really ruin you. After all, it only takes a right click and save to have a your picture on someone else's harddrive forever, and who knows what they'll do with it. I am SUPER paranoid that's what's happened to me even though it probably hasn't. Also, I just found that I can't control myself when I'm on it, sending bumper stickers or stalking randoms, it's unhealthy and a waste of time and I always come out feeling worse about myself. It seems like for most people my age (high school & college kids) it's just a place to show off. I'm more of a private person now, I don't want to be sharing my life with my friend/aquantince world + 20 random people I added from my network. I deleted my fb and don't plan on going back to it ever again. If people want to reach me they have my email address or my number - the ones who count anyway, and don't just know me by going to my school.

Just my two cents. What do you guys think of it?

PS: I'm not bashing anyone who uses facebook..I just don't think it's really useful to me anymore, not a person like me anyway who is kinda paranoid and self conscious o_O


Well-known member
I use myspace more than facebook....facebook is book is boring to me. I dont know how to use it that well, and only have like 3 friends lol! Myspace is easier for me to connect with friends and family.


Well-known member
haha yeah it took me a while to get the hang of facebook..but once I did I was totally addicted!!

out of curiosity, why do you feel like myspace is easier to connect with friends and family? I feel fb and myspace are very similar, almost identical...once you learn how to maneuver facebook it's really easy to use.


Well-known member
I have FB to keep in touch will all my friends. I only go on it maybe once a day or whenever I get a msg (I get an email directly to my phone). I think it's a good way of keeping in touch and networking too.

I just set all my settings to private so my friends and people I know can see and view my profile.

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
I am also a FB fan; on it at least once a day. Everything is private so only my friends can see. Was never into myspace at all.


Well-known member
I like Facebook a lot to talk to my friends who are going to schools in different cities. It's great for a more interactive connection...e-mail takes too much time, instant messaging is a little too involving, whereas Facebook you can comment on an array of photos, notes, links, whatever, often sparking long-winded conversation. I like it as a way of sharing photos too.

I don't really have time or the energy to go to parties where, if I were to be photographed, I would feel uncomfortable with the pictures. I mostly only hang out with my buddies and any photos we take are very often embarrassing, but not in a wild, party animal way. It usually involves me with a horrific facial expression and/or triple chins. But that doesn't really bother me...I mean, it's one bad photo. I do not automatically become ugly after one bad photo. My friend says it the best: "I like my ugly Facebook photos and never untag them, because when people see in my real life they'll be shocked and pleased to find that I'm much hotter in person". XD So I always say, embrace your ugly photos.

And even then, everything on my Facebook is visible to only a select number of my friends. I keep my friends grouped into several categories too just for ease. You all know of the "Facebook friend" syndrome where you add people you either barely know just to not hurt their feelings. I just keep them in another cateogory to prevent from seeing my other stuff. You never know.


Well-known member
I love FB. I didn't see the point of it in HS since i saw everyone everyday but now that i've left its great to keep in contact with old HS friends, and with uni friends from my old uni, and with family overseas. Plus it's good being able to share pics and tag friends etc.


Well-known member
I used to have both. But deleted them because I realized it's just a place for ppl to be nosey and see all your picutres and know what's going on in your life. No body really kept in touch with me anymore so I personally found it pointless. Specktra is like my new facebook and myspace, lol...much better


Well-known member
i always used to have a myspace but deleted it when i realised i never wrote on anybodies wall and all i did was post and read quiz bullitens!

i do have a facebook and mianly use it to keep in contact with friends from where i used to live. however it's not something that i use every single day. i like seieng mates pictures though because it's fun to see what they're up to. i can understand how easy it is though to find weirdos and stalkers on there! i set mine so only my friends can view my pictures.


Well-known member
I use Facebook quite often, maybe once a day. I like it because if you're planning an event it can be easier to communicate to A LOT of people at once rather than phoning like 15 people to have them all on the same page... As for myspace I never really used it, I have an account though. I did use something similar called nexopia. I don't use it anymore, but I used to purposely put awkward-ish pictures up, rather than posed angle-y pictures. That's where I found my bf ironically, and that's how he noticed me because I had "real" pictures, that showed my personality. I suppose the red hair was a factor too


Well-known member
i dont know how to find ppl that well on facebook, Ive had myspace for like 4 years and I have more friends on there. More of my family and friends use myspace as well thus, making it easier to connect. I am sick of the retarded bullitens and " join my mafia" crap.


Well-known member
LOL ITA! I'm a private person too. I do not like my pics and info all over the place...Which is why I don't even use Facebook anymore. It's too complicated for me too. Pokes? Superwall? Wall? Gifts?? WTF are those??
but the thing I do like about FB is when people I haven't seen or talked to since kindergarden or something add me & start talking about the old days. It's so heartwarming


Well-known member
I honestly find Facebook and MySpace Boring as heck ...or maybe I just didn't devote the time required to get to love either...If I had to choice one I think it would Be FB...I think MySpace is overrated and caters more to kids


Well-known member
I've FB to keep in contact with friends and family. I'm a private person too. All my photos are Friends only. The only things that annoy the hell out of me on FB are the invites for Superwall, Pets, etc... and I don't really care if my friends have just became a fan of Anna Kournikova... you get what I mean. lol.


Well-known member
<-- Im too old for myspace and facebook. I used to have a FUBar account to talk to family members but I deleted that shit cuz of all the creeps. I would rather be here on the mac site. lol


Well-known member
I love them both.
I think people need to realize, though, that if you sign up for a social networking site, pictures and information about you are going to be online and people you don't know will be able to see them. So many people think their public myspace profiles are safe from life and it's just like e_e

Smart, responsible usage of them is <3, though.


Well-known member
^^ totally agree.

I have a FB account which I use sometimes once a day, once a couple of days or sometimes several times a day depending on what is going on.

The main reason I use this is to keep in contact with friends (local and overseas) and to find out what is going on in their lives and keep them updated with mine with status updates, photos etc. I've also used the FB events tool which is fantstic for organising an event, as you can keep it private etc


Well-known member
The people i'm in touch with have my number and my email. For me, anything else is a little too much.
I won't lie though, I do find the whole social networking thing a great advance in communication technology, but the moment I found myself browsing through pictures of people I don't even know, I gained some perspective and knew that i'd hate it if the roles were reversed, and some random was browsing my shit.

I'm kind of feeling twitter though. I love reading the random shit people have to say, and the little thoughts and generally the idea of using words to get people's attention as opposed to freakin 'poke' and 'gift'. lol


Well-known member
I love using FB. I got to keep in touch with people from highschools (including teachers), college, Uni and people i have met outside those fields. It's a great way to keep in touch especially if they are not in the same country as you are in. You can leave birthday wishes, browse their pictures and see what they have been up to.

I like using it especially that most of the people that i know are scattered around the world so yes it's a great wat to communicate with others

But i do hate the applications like "Which celebrity are you/look a like" etc..pointless quizzes.

If you want privacy then just set your profile on private or limit who can see your profile from your friends list.