How do you feel about

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
anyone becoming a mother at 62? thats the latest scandal in the UK.

personally its not fair, she's gonna be really old and might not make it to see her child grow cos when the baby's 10 she'll be 72. i know its her choice but you gotta think of the child too

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I agree with you. It's unfair that for her selfish reasons she would bring a child into the world when she is so old. Some of these old parents don't realize that the kids get embarrassed of them because the other kids parent look like parents, not grandparents. I have known 2 people (different families) that experienced this, and they would cry because they were teased about it or when they were told your grandfather/mother is here and that was their natural parent. One of them (one of my best friends) lost her father by the age of 17 and the mother by the age of 19; its so sad that she was all alone by the age of 19 (much to young to not have at least one parent).

I understand too because I have personally experienced the opposite side. I became a single parent in my teens, and my son and I would sometimes be embarassed when people thought we were a couple. Becoming a Mom was the most wonderful, fulfilling part of my life and the only regret I had was not having enough money to give him all the things he deserved (he's a good guy who has been an honor student his whole life). Although I would love to be around to spend more time with him as we get older, at least I will know that when its my turn to go, I wont have the guilt that I left a little boy w/o his mother.


Well-known member
i agree with what you ladies have said, but not juSs that either...her child could have serious defects! i dono, i do not believe in abortions unless the pregnancy is a result of rape...i think her best option is to give the child up for adoption, so he or she can have as normal a life as possible...without having to deal with the death of his or her mother at such a young age...thats jUSs my opinion


Well-known member
I'm completely in two minds about this and have discussed it many times with people (not this situation in particular but similar ones) My father-in-law remarried about 5 years ago and his wife is much younger. He is in his early 50's and has a 4 year old. He loves that child and is really nurturing towards her, so I can see where an older parent will have so much more patience, life experience, and tolerance and can in some cases be a better teacher to a young child (every case is different though)

Children tease other children about everything though, kids are naturally mocking of the unfamiliar. I was raised by a single mom and got seriously outcast and teased for that. I went to Catholic school, so I was one of the only single parent kids and the nuns spoke about it in hushed tones too. I was mainly raised by my grandmothers who were in their 50's at the time, so they were like my mothers and they were 'old'

My point is which is worse? Having two loving parents of any age, even if for a short time or having just one? You'll get made fun of either way, as you will if you are overweight, wear glasses, are very short or tall, very dark or very pale, so is having two same age parents a guarantee that you won't be teased? I don't think so.

I even had a neighbour that was in his 8o's
and he had two young daughters (he had them in his late 70's). He was a widower and remarried a younger woman. He was very active, loved his girls and did loads of activities with them.

I don't know..I can see people's point but I think it's not much different to having a young parent who dies early of an illness. You're not guaranteed to live forever at any age. I think if you can provide a very loving and nurturing home for a child and you are still able to do things with them and make the best of the time you've got then why not?

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
you can tell when u see her on tv that she is really happy to have a baby. she used IVF to have that baby but IMO she should've had it when she was a bit younger.

This is what i dont understand, how can she possibly have a baby at 62, what about menopause? i thought they happen from 46+ (usually). It would be virtually impossible unless she had some eggs frozen already.


Well-known member
Good grief, how is it that she was even able to conceive at that age? Apparently the risk of having defects in children born to a mother after the age of 40 is somewhat high.

Is she a single mother? Is she healthy? I know why the age thing might be a bit of a worry, but if she's devoted, it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. Though I've no personal experience in this field, other than that I'm someone's kid :p

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I don't think it mattters if you've gone through menopause, when you get donor eggs from a healthy woman you minimize greatly the chance for birth defects. If she had the eggs & sperm donated she should have a healthy child, but that also means that (this is hard to explain w/o sounding awful) technically only her body was used and the child is not naturally hers.

I have never understood why put your body through so much if the eggs were donated, why not adopt; so many children don't have permanent homes. Could it be an ego thing, like look I'm not old, I can handle giving birth.


Well-known member
not AS old but my mum aws 38 & my dad was 52 when I was born and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure when I was 17 my dad died, but you know what? my parents are/where honestly the best ever. My mum's almost 60 now (turns 58 end of June
) & I'm 19, but we can still relate. I love the fact that shes older and has all that experience AND a hell of alot more finacial security than any younger parent could. And my dad had retired by the time I was in kindergarten so that was great, because he was always around and he took me to all my competitions/sports/ect. I miss him like crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Just my two cents. Older parents are great.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
yeah. mspixieears she's got a husband.

this story been on several front covers of the newspapers in England so its like a big deal. There was a story i think last year of an foreign woman and she was 68 when she had the baby but it was concieved naturally =|


Well-known member
I don't agree with it, My little sister had a best friend whose father was 75 when she was born (mom was in her 40s) and she had a big brother who was 40 when she was baby.... but then they had two other children after that! The Dad was in a nursing home by the time she was a teenager and had a stroke and died the year she graduated....Its hard to fathom being put in a situation like that. My mom is 62 this year and I'm 28 and I already worry about aging parents!!


Well-known member
i'm not down with it because based on the stats of average death, the parent would be dead or close to dead by the time the child was ready to go to college. i think it would be horrible to lose your mom when you're at an age that you still need to depend on her.