I'm completely in two minds about this and have discussed it many times with people (not this situation in particular but similar ones) My father-in-law remarried about 5 years ago and his wife is much younger. He is in his early 50's and has a 4 year old. He loves that child and is really nurturing towards her, so I can see where an older parent will have so much more patience, life experience, and tolerance and can in some cases be a better teacher to a young child (every case is different though)
Children tease other children about everything though, kids are naturally mocking of the unfamiliar. I was raised by a single mom and got seriously outcast and teased for that. I went to Catholic school, so I was one of the only single parent kids and the nuns spoke about it in hushed tones too. I was mainly raised by my grandmothers who were in their 50's at the time, so they were like my mothers and they were 'old'
My point is which is worse? Having two loving parents of any age, even if for a short time or having just one? You'll get made fun of either way, as you will if you are overweight, wear glasses, are very short or tall, very dark or very pale, so is having two same age parents a guarantee that you won't be teased? I don't think so.
I even had a neighbour that was in his 8o's
and he had two young daughters (he had them in his late 70's). He was a widower and remarried a younger woman. He was very active, loved his girls and did loads of activities with them.
I don't know..I can see people's point but I think it's not much different to having a young parent who dies early of an illness. You're not guaranteed to live forever at any age. I think if you can provide a very loving and nurturing home for a child and you are still able to do things with them and make the best of the time you've got then why not?