How do you girls take your own pics?


Well-known member
Hey all

I've seen many of the lovely fotd's and am amazed at how nice and clear your pics come out.
how do you take your own pics yourself?
What mode in your camera do you use?
I've tried the self-timer and I come out of focus b/c it focuses on the background. i dont think you girls take self-timer pics.
How on earth do you take pics and close up pics of your eyes, lips, etc?
My camera is a Nikon D70s and I'm clueless as the manual is not hlepful at all and even the tutor websites haven't really solved any of my problems i'm having with it, since i really do not know how to use it other than take the pics myself (of someone else, of course). And they also don't come out as good and clear as the pics I see here and thep ics always turn out too dark. I increased the ISO and still nothing changed.
Anyone know how I can take pics of myself and closeup pics that are clear and light?
Thanks in advance for any help!


Well-known member
SLR's might be harder since you have to set the focus, lighting and shutterspeed. You might want to get a point & shoot. I could be wrong but this based more on film slrs that i have.


Well-known member
most SLRs have setting for automatic of manual focus.....i you are going to use it for snap shots i dont suggest getting a SLR just get a point and shoot.

seeing as you have a d70 put it on automatic and hold the camera toward your self smile and press the "take picture button" lol


Well-known member
Thanks all for the help.
I did see that great tutorial. I tried taking my own pic by putting the mode to "close up" as suggested and it still didn't work...and the camera button wouldn't snap since it was considered too close to subject (myself)

I can't buy a new camer since I'm broke because of this camera, was so expensive and now I feel as if it is useless


Well-known member
ummmm check out the tut section there is a awsome thread about how to take better pics... but going back the the close up on the lips i never do i just crop mines b/c my camera is a Caca-Ma_Doodoo 3.2 megapixle ...and close ups look hella blurry.