HOw do you like your EGGS?


Well-known member
Was just cooking eggs for breakfast and was wondering...How do you like them?

I love them 2 different ways-

Scrambled with green onion, onion and ....CILANTRO (yummy)!!

or Fried with the yolk little runny.


Well-known member
I like omelettes. Chorizo & chihuahua cheese are great. I like to scramble eggs with the cheese and sprinkle the browned chorizo over it.


Well-known member
I cant eat scrambled eggs with cheese, Gag.

It depends on what mood I am in, and ALSO where I am at.
There is a certain place here that has AMAZING scrambled eggs, I dont know what they put into them but they are yummy!
It depends on what I get , If I get sausage links or toast, I like eggs over-medium so I can dip my toast or sausage in the yolk, Yeah it sounds gross but I like it!

I like omelets too, but I like them with mostly veggies and not meat.


Well-known member
I love...

-Hard-boiled Eggs
-Deviled Eggs
-Over-Easy Eggs
-Mijitas [eggs, salsa + tortillas]

Mmm, eggs! I should make some now!


Well-known member
i like them
boild, scrambled, fried and omlette wit cheese, peppers an/onions


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I like eggs over-medium so I can dip my toast or sausage in the yolk, Yeah it sounds gross but I like it!

Me too (but the toast part; I don't eat sausage)!

I also like hard boiled eggs.


Well-known member
Any which way except eggs benedict. But I love testing cooks whenever I'm out and order poached. One time I had to wait 20 minutes b/c the cook didn't know how to poach an egg! A little shocking.

And I love making my boyfriend a fritata whenever he asks.


Well-known member
I like scrambled with cheese, onions, fried ham, mushrooms, pretty much whatever is in the fridge that looks promising. Also over easy if I'm in the mood for bacon and toast dipping. And I am addicted to egg salad sandwiches, if that counts. Hard boil them, mash them up with mayo, onions, celery, salt and pepper... I'm in heaven. Poached is fun too, aeni I'm surprised that you've encountered chefs who don't know how to poach an egg. It seems like such a basic thing.


Well-known member
Eggs and milk are very weird for me...I don't care for either. Once in a great while I can do boiled, or fried (no yokes please). Also, I have this weird thing where I can only eat eggs I actually make. I've seen too many uncooked and runny eggs, and that grosses me out!