How do you shop at Mac?


Well-known member
I'm just wondering do you go in and let the SA give you recs and buy them, do you have certain products in mind and buy them or do you browse hoping for inspiration? Do you always buy something? Do you go in with a list made through reccomendations/inspirational FOTDs?

I'm planning to buy quite a few things soon after saving up but seen as i literally do have to save up to afford Mac i'm not the type that goes in and buys casually. I do go in several times to check out stuff and walk away without buying which i feel abit self concious about.
I've got loads of products and shades written down that i want to check out after getting reccomendations and seeing stuff look great on people's FOTDs but i need to see the things in real life and whittle the list down and see what i really want. I don't even know if i'll buy the day i go in to check the things out so i don't really know how to go about doing it, i'll feel embarassed asking a SA spend ages helping me find all the colours and spend time checking them out and then not buy anything that very day. Especially as they'll have lots of customers around who are wanting to buy then.
Does anyone else do that? I'm just one of those people that needs to research the products well and make sure they'll work for me and i'll use them before i buy them, i guess i can't afford to buy things casually yet.


Well-known member
I usually know exactly what I want when I go in although sometimes I'll browse or ask for recommendations. I already have a list of products I'll be picking up from Atlanta next week and I won't be making any impulse purchases.


Well-known member
Well I do a lot of CPs so I usually go in with a list!
As far as it considers my MAC status I can say that I have a great collection of permanent collections and just have to checkmy counter for the color stories! Thx to Specktra I already have two or three things in mind to look at and to buy or not to buy!

Shoe Crazy

Well-known member
I always go in with an idea and sometimes a list of what I want to buy but then the MA will make recommendations based on my selections. He or she will say oh have you tried this, it is similar to that or this color would like great on you. I can be easily influenced by the MA's and most of the time I end up purchasing what I came in for and what they recommend.


Well-known member
When it comes to new collections, I usually go in with a pretty good idea of what I want, and may switch a couple of things once I see them in person. Sometimes I just go because I've had a bad day/week, and I need a fix, so I go in, chat with my favorite MAs, and will either just pick something that catches my eye, or buy something the MAs insist I need.


Well-known member
I usually have a list of stuff I want to check out and a lot of the time, I just end up getting those items, unless something catches my eye that I wasn't planning on. Once in a while, if I'm just browsing or if I don't know what I want, I'll get help from a MA - like if I'm looking for something to go with something else. Usually, though, I work off a list I come up with before I go.


Well-known member
I haven't purchased a lot of MAC at one time, usually it's 1 or 2 items. Usually I go in knowing I want a new e/s or lipstick and I just ask the MA for their recommendations. Since joining this forum though, I think I will start going in with more in mind in terms of colours or looks that I'd like.


Well-known member
I usually go when a new collection comes out . After I have looked at it online, I go in with an idea of what to look at, which is usually eyeshadows. My favorite MA usually tells me what she likes and I go from there. I can't wait until Idol eyes comes out! I'm saving my $$$$


Well-known member
l usually go in with an idea of what i want. Then i get suckered in to buying extra recommended items as well. I try to stay away because i usually walk away several hundred dollars missing!


Well-known member
I know exactly what I want. I know when a new collection is comming out and from pics posted I have an idea of what I'm interested in. Then when I get there I try it out on my hand and form an opinion if I need it for my collection or not. I never buy any premade quads just swap for or buy on Specktra the single shades people list from depotting from the pre-made quads. I've gotten all I've wanted that way. I always snap up any LE shades I want right away. Perminant shades I can wait for or swap for. But I've learned quickly that you have to go out and buy those LE right away before they are gone and you regret it. Can always be used as swapping items if they don't get used in my collection in the long run.


Well-known member
Sometimes I have an idea of what I want, and others I dont. I like to take my time to look around and ask a few questions, test out things before I buy.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I have a very small collection. I usually have researched the items and go shopping with a list. I only buy what I think I will wear. The only items that I purchased just to collect them was the Belle Azure & Rebelrock collections because they are so pretty to look at.


Well-known member
I have a few things in mind, and then general items: like I know for sure I need Coppering, and I want to buy more lipglass but haven't decided on the color.


Well-known member
Most of the time, I'll have an idea of what I'm looking for but will ask for help finding what that is e.g. "Can you help me find a lipstick that is similar to my lip colour or Dervish lipliner?"

I'm a bit cautious of 'cold' recommendations; I tend to think they're recommending product X because I just happened to be there, rather than because it's something I'll like. Online reviews have really spoilt me! Or made me more...savvy? MAs generally love to bully me because I'm so plain.


Well-known member
impulse buyer here!!! i end up going into my MAC store and coming out with half of the stuff that i never should have brought, but hey, you only live once right, so might as well make the most of it- even if it makes you broke at the end right?? i can never turn down lipglasses or eyeshadows.... THis is so terrible, seeing how i dont have a job or anything
whoops!! lol


Well-known member
I have a list that I narrow down on the spot when I see them in real life.
The choices can be overwhelming, so I make sure I have a pretty good idea already of what I need/want.


Well-known member
I go in and i just look. I write down my list, but the list is in my brain,too. then, after one, two or three looks, i buy something. i always buy something of MAC when i saw it. but i must have money...=)when i have all, then an other colour. that makes fun, that why. when i buy i go with this product to a saleslady oder seller and i pay.


New member
i usually know the basics of what i want and ask my face ma for help finding the exacts. he's very good with showing me things that will look ok on me. if he's not there, then i usually dont buy anything extra. with most of the other ma's at the store i usually go to, i feel like they are trying to sell me whatever in order to make a sale.


Well-known member
I never even been to a MAC store or counter. I just order on-line. I usually check out MUA first and look at real photos. Rayothon was my only mistake.