How fast do you predict Culturebloom to sell out?


Well-known member
I am all paniced, because I have to wait a few weeks to get the stuff I want from Culturebloom. In your opinion, how fast do you predict the collection will sell out? I am wanting Overgrown, Lavender Sky, Iris Print and the Violet Kohl. It seems the Overgrown is wildly popular - will I be able to get it if I wait 2 weeks or so?


Well-known member
It's a GORGEOUS collection so not too fast. At my mac store in victoria the collections seem to last around a month before selling out.


New member
I went to my MAC this evening, and my MA said that they only had 4 Fresh Buzz lippies left! I bought one, so I guess now they have 3..


Well-known member
depends on where you live, i think. in so cal, there are like fifteen MACs in my vicinity and it seems like they sell out of really good stuff in like five minutes (okay, exaggerating, but it seems like they never have anything from a collection after three weeks). back in CT, there's only one freestanding MAC in hartford county and maybe four counters and it seems like stuff sticks around there much longer.

the mac website is kind of weird too... they'll sell out of stuff but then have it back up a few weeks later, as it happened with lingerie, i think? anyway, i would be really surprised if anything from culturebloom sold out within two weeks. i don't think you have to worry.

sorry that was so long-winded. lol.


Well-known member
fast. one of the locations i was at today had half the shadows sold out and petal pusher.


Well-known member
It all depends on the collection and location of your mac. but you can always look on Ebay or here if they run out.


New member
Your best bet is to buy online they stay instock longer. (usually)

Keep in mind you also call any MAC counter/store and have them ship to you.

So you could ask here or call around when you are ready to buy....if your area is sold out of what you want. People here might know a place that still has things instock.
At the very least you will have call every MAC.


Well-known member
i dont know about the website, but my counter said that in a couple weeks theyd get a second shipment of everything, and i dont knwo if thats a standard for all counters and stores or not.


Well-known member
pretty fast depending on ur counters volume. were almost out of iris print
we wont have by the time our event comes around

just for your info though, petal pusher l/g, trance plant l/g, ALL the new cremeliners and blossoming blush are permanent. so try to focus on the other stuff before getting those


Well-known member
You could always get a CP from the UK if what you want is sold out. Cultruebloom won't be released here until the beginning of March. MAC is a bit more expensive here, but better that than totally missing out on something you really want, maybe?


Well-known member
interesting.. Just called my MAC store and she said they HAVE all of the Culturebloom and it does not offically have an opening here till the 23RD! ha!!


Active member
also if it sells out you can always check nordies online, they still have slip pink (i got it last week).


i think you'll be ok waiting 2 weeks before buying from this collection. usually, the popular stuff sell out around my area after 3 weeks or so of launching...but like someone said, there's always online purchasing & asking counters to ship the items to you.
or even asking someone you know to CP it for you!


Active member
I just went to my store again today and when I looked at the Culturebloom stuff they were out of 2 eyeshadows, though my counter is really good at re-ordering things really fast so they'll have those things back in soon enough. With that, I don't think you have too much to worry about if your counter is good at re-stocking. And like others suggested, you can always try macys, gloss, and nordys online...those always seem to have stuff in later than others.


Well-known member
think about this, most store still got a lot of the lingery collection, even if they removed the display this friday, they still got most of the stuff...

So don't worry

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