How gorgeous is Glama Ray?


Well-known member
I'd like to get it but won't cry if it's not in my collection. Someone would like to swap 1/2 of my Quietly for it but I think it's a bit much. Is it gorgeous enough to warrant 1/2 a jar of an Asia LE pigment? Is it gorgeous enough to NEED to own?!

Any thoughts would be great. Thanks a ton!


Well-known member
It's pretty hot but IIRC it was a lustre and kinda flaked down your face. It might be close to one of the Veluxe Pearls color wise too, Antiqued maybe? A little more taupey brown than that. I like it but I don't know if I'd give up an LE pigment. But....knowing MAC they'll probably re-release the pigment here under a different name eventually. Sorry I guess I'm not much help!


Well-known member
Yeah. I took the lustre factor into account, but if it's like Casino and not honesty, I think I can deal. Would 1 tsp. be more fair for it? Don't want to make this into a swapping thread, but I'd like to know what Glama Ray's like to see what its "worth" is.


Well-known member
Glama Ray usually sells pretty high on eBay and in the sales threads and is usually hard to find! I was able to track one down for a great price & i built such a hype around it and when i finally got it, i barely use it!!! See if the girl will trade for 1 tsp. Overall, its a collectors must have and i got to start using it!


Well-known member
It's not the same texture as Casino, more crumbly than that, like Honesty or Sweet Lust. I would think 1 tsp. would be fair, esp. if it's used already.


Well-known member
i have just hit the pan on my glama ray and absolutley LOVE it , its one of my favourite colours and has warranted 3 back ups

its very similar to the colour arena which is a satin so doesnt have the silver bits.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone for your comments so far! Just realized it's depotted too, which (to me) further warrants only 1 tsp. =/

I'll put in a request in the swatch thread - unless any of you lovely ladies could help me out? =D


Well-known member
Hrm, so maybe I'm miscalculating the value of Quietly pigment because the swapper (whom I don't believe is on Specktra, but no ill will either way) is calculating by the retail value of the pigment, whereas I'm going by market value, so 1 tsp for a depotted Glama Ray isn't quite flying with her.

Am I wrong to hold Quietly at a higher value because it's an Asia LE exclusive? According to some of the $ values I see here on Specktra, 1/2 tsp = $5 for regular pigments, and I've seen Quietly being sold for $5 = 1/4 tsp, all before shipping, and shipping is killer from Canada (at least $6). =S

*Sorry mods, this started as just finding out more about Glama Ray so I know its worth. Please move this if appropriate.


Well-known member
That's the hard thing with swapping - everyone holds the value of their items differently. =) If it was me...I'd probably hold the value of the glamma ray higher than the value of quietly for a couple reasons...Glamma ray is from a couple of years ago and is more difficult to find nowadays...Quietly may still available for purchase at some counters in Asia (just had a CP done for me less than 2 weeks ago)
Quietly does retail slightly higher in Asia, but is not that much more - I certainly wouldn't label a 1 tsp sample for $10 (I just sold half a jar for $10) While I would add a couple dollars on to the value of quiety, since it is an Asia exclusive and LE, I personally still think that glamma ray is worth more (depending on it's use of course...but I am picky and only swap for BN LE shadows =/)

P.S. glamma ray is sooooooo my favorite lustre. It is the only lustre I use because it doesn't seem to flake at all like the other lustres and the color payoff is WOW!


Well-known member
^ Thanks uopgirlie, that's a good point about the subjective value of items. I do hold Quietly more valuable, partly b/c GR has been depotted. But it's no big loss to me as I was approached for the swap and as gorgeous as it's sounding right now, I'm not jumping out of my seat to own GR, especially since Moonbathe is coming out and I can get my summer neutrals kick from that.

Well, we'll see. I've actually got 2 requests for it, so hopefully I can find middle ground with both.


Well-known member
I don't think you should change what you believe the pigment is worth. I see you are from Canada as well! I would hold it at market value, because (except for a few exceptions) it is not for sale, LE exclusive and whatnot. Retail is (IMO) only for those that are still available and either perm/easy to get.

And from the mixed reviews, I'm inferring its hit and miss, so may not be worth it. *shrug* If I were you i'd keep the pigment and just move forward with new lemmings!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rocking chick
Quietly is still for sale at our local MAC counters.

Really? Where are you located???

It took me forever to get my hands on Softwashed and i'm still looking for Quietly!

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