How long before they hit the trash?


Well-known member
Hey guys I don't really know where this would go, so I just put it here.

Anyway, I was wondering how long until you throw away..

Eye kohls/powerpoints
& Pigments?

Because I don't want to buy a tonnnnnn of new stuff all at once, and then having to throw a lot away after a year or so because it's not good anymore. Haha I know it's a dumb question, but nothing goes bad, does it?

Thanks ♥


Well-known member
I have kept e/s for years and they are still fine. As long as you store them in a cool, dry place, keep your brushes clean they should be fine for a good while. I forget what the usual official line is, but its somethng like 5 years for eyeshadows and powder products, because there is little in them to go off.

Mascara is reccommended you use a new one every 3 months, something I stick to religiously (contact lens wearer) which is why I am relieved to find that MAC mascaras are not too expensive!

But that means more Back2 Mac opportunities! Everything else I keep til it runs out.


Well-known member
I keep my eyeliners unless I have a problem. I sharpen them religiously before using and burn the tip if they're really old to sanitize. I do switch mascara every few months, and I get rid of liquid liners and fluidliners when their consitency thickens, and lip glosses when they lose their vanilla smell (By get rid of, I mean they go B2M!)


Well-known member
Eyeshadow - never,.. I have some Arden shadows that I got when I was about 16 (I am 31 now) and they still rock,.. so long as they are not compromised with fluid or dirty brushes,.. wiping any residue off the tops they should last a LONG time. Piggies are the same way,.. if you dispense them out of the container to use them,... they should last you forever until they are gone.

Fluidline- Probably a little over a year once opened only because you can only try to rehydrate it so many times. Once I have rehydrated it about 3 times and it is still kinda dry,.. I replace it.

Eye kohls/powerpoints- I use them until they are gone,.. as said above,.. I keep them sharpened before and after everytime I use them. It takes the contaminated part off and leaves fresh,.. doing it this way your pencils should last but a couple years if you don't use it alot. Same with Lip pencils.

Mascara - Agreed with above,.. every couple months, grab a new one,..

Lipglosses -When they thicken and lose their smell.


Well-known member
I have some Trish McEvoy eyeshadows from 6 years ago that I still use, I'll probably still be using them in 10 years
As for l/g or l/s, I wait for them to start smelling funky, then I toss. Everything else I get sick of usually before it gets too old.