How long did it take you to actually start working at MAC after signing paperwork?

Hey Ya'll!

So it has been almost six weeks since I signed my paperwork and accepted my offer to work for MAC.

I was SO ecstatic, but due to the wait, I am slowly getting worried and more and more anxious that maybe they have changed their minds. I was told that it could be a few weeks and not to get nervous, because sometimes it takes a few weeks to get the paper work back and a pin number. I know a girl who was hired at my exact location the same time I was, she even had her demo the same day as me, and she got to start two weeks after signing her paper work, so of course I am freaking out. Has anyone else had this problem and should I be worried or concerned?


Well-known member
I'm going to follow this thread because I'm curious to know too. I was supposed to sign my paperwork 2 days ago, but the manager had some type of emergency to tend to. She is supposed to call me this coming week to reschedule, but the wait is making me nervous.
I'm going to follow this thread because I'm curious to know too. I was supposed to sign my paperwork 2 days ago, but the manager had some type of emergency to tend to. She is supposed to call me this coming week to reschedule, but the wait is making me nervous. 
Good luck, tomorrow it will be 7 weeks since I signed my paper work and I haven't heard anything since I asked about it around 4 1/2 weeks. :( I think I ak going to call Estée lauder directly and find out what is going on.


Well-known member
Good luck, tomorrow it will be 7 weeks since I signed my paper work and I haven't heard anything since I asked about it around 4 1/2 weeks. :( I think I ak going to call Estée lauder directly and find out what is going on.
Did you call yet? I just got done signing my paperwork and I noticed that they had my start date listed as 11/25/14. Did you notice a start date in your packet? I'd definitely call them if I were you. They're gonna need you on board for the busy holiday season!
Did you call yet? I just got done signing my paperwork and I noticed that they had my start date listed as 11/25/14. Did you notice a start date in your packet? I'd definitely call them if I were you. They're gonna need you on board for the busy holiday season!
There wasn't a start date listed, it was left blank. I'm freelance, so I have to wait for them to receive my pin number. I tried to call HR about it, but the women I need to speak with is out on vacation.


Well-known member
I have no experience with applying with MAC, I have with other companies but it sounds a bit shady and flaky to me.. Maybe the manager isn't someone who is organized or one that you will enjoy working for when and if they decide to contact you again..? Perhaps they are realizing that they hired too many people for the holiday season and would be a bit over staffed so they are avoiding contacting you to avoid confrontation, hoping that you will get the picture. Or maybe that is over analyzing and they just genuinely haven't gotten around to it and the timing is just off by a little. I have had jobs come to me like that before, sometimes it takes longer than expected, sometimes weeks. I wouldn't panic, just call or go up there in a few days or so and inquire just to remind them and give them a friendly nudge letting them know that you are serious and reliable. It's a shame that people are made to feel this way.. Sometimes the mind games that people try to play are weird.

I would try to avoid saying anything too specific though until you are certain that you do not have the job as most companies prefer that you don't say anything that could be perceived as negative about the company.

And that hush-hush policy is a scary one. My contract required that I would not disclose the name of a company that I previously worked for. And while I will not disclose the name of the company as I agreed, it was a horrible experience. And I'm not quite sure what to do about it. My manager would insult INNOCENT, unaware customers via headset while we would wait on them. Some other fellow employees joined in on laughing on multiple occasions although the customer would be unaware right in front of them. And the things they said and laughed at just made me so was never funny. They would make rude jokes about customers clothing, the way they walked, talked, their hairstyle, how "too fat" or "too skinny" they are, of course how "horrible" their makeup, called them "clowns". And these were all things that were instigated by the store manager who is far older than me.. You are supposed to report any misconduct to your superior right? Am I supposed to report her to..herself? It would only be her word over mine anyways if I told anyone else and she would deny it, seeing as she is prone to moral corruption I wouldn't expect her to take responsibility.. I left the company because that was only one of MANY things that I would not allow myself to be a part of.

Well at any rate, hopefully you aren't applying to such a location.. Sorry I ramble. I'm sure it'll work out one way or another~
Hey! I already have the job, I signed the paperwork for it and everything. I am just waiting to receive my PIN number (it's a number I will need to call in my worked hours) I felt that way too, like maybe they over hired, but people who were hired after me have already received theirs and got to start within 2-4 weeks signing their paper work. They told me in my first interview that it could be a few weeks, so I had expected it, but I didn't anticipate it to be this long. I haven't said anything negative, as I do not have anything negative to say about the company. I love the company and what it stands for. Good for you for getting out of that situation, that's very unprofessional of your manager and "leader." Next time, I would recommend contacting your company's HR representative if you find it to be that offensive. Let them handle it and request that your name not be mentioned. You shouldn't have to leave if someone else is the problem. And no worries, I'm quite the rambler myself!