How long do you wear your bras for?


Well-known member
I know this is a really odd question haha BUT... How many days in a row do you wear your bra for? We were having this discussion at work tonight, and the majority said they wear them for 2-4 days in a row, or they swap them daily, but never wear them once and then wash them. But one person said it was disgusting to wear them more than once without washing.

I personally do what I said the majority do. Just wondering what everyone else does? Again, I know it is an odd question, so sorry!


Well-known member
i'd say about 3-4 days. i have so many of them, too. but i have about 2 that i really like to wear all the time. i don't get how it's gross to re-wear them without washing. ha
i think most girls i know do the same thing as I do.


Well-known member
I wear once, wash once. well technically, wear once, throw in hamper, wash all on laundry day! If I'm sweating, which I do a lot since I work under hot lights, or if I have self tanner on, which I almost always do, then that gets on my bra.....and no way do I want yesterdays funk on me today. yanno


Well-known member
No more than twice. Actually I usually wear mine once and rotate bras, but I think that the lady that was in the minority might be a little extreme. To each her own, I guess? I only wear mine once because errr, my bras have to put in a lot of work to support me, and I think they need a breather to snap back into/stay in shape before wearing again.

I think it's grosss when I catch a glimps of someone's straps and see obvious dirt/grime.

As I side note, I thought this thread was about the life expectancy of bras, cause in that case, I was gonna say: "till the wheels (straps) fall off!" LOL


Well-known member
A 9-5 day I only wear it once
Just going out for a couple hours 2 times but out of habit it'll probably get washed after the first time, I treat them like I treat panties


Well-known member
i'll switch off a few every couple of days unless i got really sweaty, or hair gets all over me after a busy day in the salon...but i dont see the point in washing after every use...they'll bust quicker, then ya gotta buy more lol


Well-known member
i mix it up so much i lose track. usually ill reach for whatever's closest (aware of the color) and if i dont see any ill reach into my drawer and pull out another one.

i do the same for jeans too. if they still look clean and have that good fit i'll throw them on. if they feel loose (usually after 2 days) ill throw those in the hamper


Well-known member
i switch them up alot, so its hard for me to tell. i def. don't wash them every day though.
if i fee like ive seen said bra floating around for a while, or if i know ive sweated in it recently, into the wash she goes!!!


Well-known member
If its a workout bra or if I was working outside or in the sun a lot, one wear. I can't handle sweaty bras.

But for everyday wear, 3-4 times. I've got a pretty decent set, and the bigger the boobs, the bigger the price tag. I can't afford to have a closet of bras...I need quality and support. So I have 5 that I rotate through.


Well-known member
I ONLY wear a bra if I'm going out somewhere and am going to be out in public. I swear my nipples could cut through glass TMI sorry sorry lol!

When I'm at home I never wear a bra. I get shit from my family cause of it. I've always found bras super uncomfortable to wear. My mom always told me that I'd get use to it but never did. I still hate wearing them. But it's not like I'm running around in see through shirts or low cut shirts at home without a bra on. I just wear regular shirts. No booby flashes here!

I'll wear my bras for like 3 days before they go in the wash. Too frequent of washing of bras can ruin them.


Well-known member
for work I change them everyday. I wear a sports bra under my ballistic vest ( no need for cleavage or lift under the vest) ..and even in the winter it gets hot in there..I dont care about washing them all the time...i get simple 3 packs from like walmart . My boobs arent that big so I dont need expensive heavy duty support sports bras.If Im off duty probably like 2 maaaybe 3 wears if I wear the bra ( a normal nice bra not a sports one) for like a full day.


Well-known member
Whats That?
I've heard of this cruel material before

J/k but I really wear the bra tops under almost everything so that eliminates my always endless search for the best bras. Those tanks were the best invention ever !! EVER!! I know I have a 100 easy...Plus they are comfy and so much cheaper than the bras I like to buy


Well-known member
I don't always wear a bra, but when I do it's once and then wash. I have so many bras, even though I don't wear them all the time.

I also wash my towels after a single use! I recently discovered that was weird and apparently not everyone does that? Because you're clean after showering... but damp towels sitting around for hours, eww! I'm not even a clean freak, quite filthy really... but I need to have my fresh towels.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Septemba
I don't always wear a bra, but when I do it's once and then wash. I have so many bras, even though I don't wear them all the time.

I also wash my towels after a single use! I recently discovered that was weird and apparently not everyone does that? Because you're clean after showering... but damp towels sitting around for hours, eww! I'm not even a clean freak, quite filthy really... but I need to have my fresh towels.

LOL, your going to make my OCD kick into high gear! I'm already driving my mother mad with the amount of towels that constantly need to be washed lol.

Honestly if I could I'd just use paper towels (yes to even dry my body off with! haha) but obviously that's not a reasonable thing to use considering the economical and environmental aspect of it.

I'm just super paranoid and try to be as "clean" possible times a million when someone in my house is sick. I swear sometimes I can just imagine those little buggers crawling all over my house as if I had microscopic vision or something lol.

A bit off topic but does anyone break out around the area where the underwire and hoops (the thingies that connect the two parts of the bra together when you put it on) are at?