How long does it take you....


Well-known member
to post a FOTD start to finish? It seems to take me forever. I have to pick the makeup, apply the makeup, do something to my hair, take dozens of pick, hook the camera up and load the pics, sort through and pick the few that look decent, upload to my host and finally link them to Specktra. Seriously, this takes me like 2-3 hours to do. Am I crazy? Do people get through this process really fast?


Well-known member
To actually put together the FOTD it takes me like 15 minutes. Doing my makeup that is FOTD worthy takes like 30-45 minutes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
it takes me forever because i can NEVER get good pictures haha.

same here!....with make up....heh foooooeverrrrr


Well-known member
Usually it takes me 15-20 minutes to do my makeup! I haven't done one FOTD with the thought "This is the one I want to post on Specktra!!" I decide it on my mood and on how many times I look in any reflecting thing and think "Wow I look sooo good!" or how people react to my makeup!!!

Taking pics usually takes 5 minutes (I loooooove my camera!!!) and watermarking/editing takes another 5-10 minutes which depends on how many pics I want to contribute!


Well-known member
about 15 minutes to crop and post pics (not including the time to do the makeup), if I can get a decent pic to start with. I find that most of mine turn out too bright and washed out, or too dark with no detail. Or the worst, I spend all that time on application, then see my eyebrows at 6x zoom, and realize that it is all totally hopeless, lol.