how much do u spend on MAC


Well-known member
Re: how much do u spend

i recently started building my collection of MAC makeup. I think what i have spent thus far in the past two months comes to about 65 bucks a month. i think that what i will do is start putting some funds to the side for some upcoming interest i have and then go wild!. what i intend on doing is hitting some of these CCO stores and checking out what MAC items they have for good prices. with three young kids its kinda hard to splurge often like i want to but when i do i do it well!!!


Well-known member
Re: how much do u spend

it used to be like $50-$75, but lately $100-$200. but im saving money for the holiday collection. so im not spending anything until october, well maybe another feline kohl power. but thats it!


Well-known member
Re: how much do u spend

id say normally about $50-$75 a month, a little more if i especially love the collection. i spent a lot more on novel twist than i would normally spend in one trip. right now im saving up for the 187.

Johnny Wal

Well-known member
Re: how much do u spend

during the summer....about 100 dollars a week!
during the school year....umm, a lot less. lol. the closest mac is an hour away and i have to pay for a lot more during school year.


Well-known member
Re: how much do u spend

Hmmm before Specktra probably $30 every other month... Since Specktra about $60-70/mo. (uhm that is the story I am sticking too)


Well-known member
Re: how much do u spend

I went really MAC crazy the year before last, and now that I have such a huge collection, I don't really need to buy as much on a regular basis. I'm at the point now where I just replace things as I use them up. So I've probably only spend ~$70 CND in the past year. Pretty good huh?


Well-known member
Re: how much do u spend

If thete's a new collection around $300 for that month
But usually just spend over $100/month


Well-known member
Re: how much do u spend

used to be $ thing a month. but now that i'm making better money, probably around $50-75...but if there isn't a collection coming out that impresses me i'm not likely to buy anything.
Re: how much do u spend

I'm an accountant, so I actually have a M.A.C. budget account set up and I know EXACTLY how much I spend there. LOL

The running average is currently a smidge over $220 / month.


Well-known member
Re: how much do u spend

around $200 but it depends... the most I've spent is $400 last month.


Well-known member
Re: how much do u spend

I don't really have an average. Sometimes nothing, something like $80 - $100 a month. Just depends if I see something I like.


Well-known member
Re: how much do u spend

holy cow! those are some big amounts
I probably spend less than £20 a month


Well-known member
Probably about $50 a month on MAC. I tend to buy makeup in bits and pieces from different companies. It all depends on what catches my eye.


Well-known member
I would say at least $100... probably closer to $200-250 if you add up not only my retail purchases but all my little purchases from online sales for under retail products.

Dah... too much $$ on makeup, I swear. I keept trying to get better about it, but I have no self-discipline when it comes to pretty things. Especially pretty LE things...


Well-known member
Hmm Im quite scared to actually think about it.Just reminds me of my helpless mac about 60-75$ a month..when I shouldn't


Well-known member
with these wonderful autumncollections, it's hard to get a grip of yourself..past two months I spent around 150$ a month, but then there's been month's when I've spent nothing.


Re: how much do u spend

Originally Posted by MsCuppyCakes
$400+/mthly. Im building my collection with a lot of hard to find items.

I have to agree with that statement. I have a lot of limited edition items starting with holiday 06, which is when I started buying mac products.


Well-known member
I'd say anywhere around $50 to 80. 80 is my limit for the month. This month I did pretty good. I only spent 30, what I bought was the three limited edition nail lacquers which I absolutely love! I spent tons on the c-shock collection though.

Im patiently waiting for Mcqueen and the holiday brush sets


Well-known member
Re: how much do u spend

Originally Posted by janwa09
If thete's a new collection around $300 for that month
But usually just spend over $100/month

I'm about the same.

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