How much fruit and veg do you eat a day?!


Well-known member
Just wanted to mention, have you also considered that one glass of 100% fruit juice can also count as one of your '5 a Day' in the UK? As such, people may be getting more of their 5 a Day than they think, if they are also drinking juice.


Well-known member

2. Age Group

3. Are you aware of the Five a Day campaign?

4. How often do you eat Five a Day?

5. Do you believe the Five a Day campaign is well advertised?

6. Do you have children under 18?

9. Do you feel that the price of fruit and vegetables affects your purchasing?
Costs too much and spoils too quickly!

10. Do you believe eating Five a Day will improve your long term health?


Well-known member

2. Age Group

3. Are you aware of the Five a Day campaign?

4. How often do you eat Five a Day?

5. Do you believe the Five a Day campaign is well advertised?

9. Do you feel that the price of fruit and vegetables affects your purchasing?

10. Do you believe eating Five a Day will improve your long term health?

Indian Barbie

Well-known member
1. Female

2. 18-30

3. Yes

4. Daily

5. No. One example is that there is a lot of outdoor advertising (on bus stops mainly). KFC is the largest bus stop advertiser and it gives a conflicting message.

6. No

9. Yes, but I will substitute. E.g if Blueberries are too expensive, I'll have Blackberries if they're cheaper.

10. Yes

Other comments:

The whole "5 a Day" thing is so vague. Different people need a different amount of calories to stay healthy. The government should educate people more on portions and healthier choices. A few celery sticks are way healthier than eating mango because fruits have sugars and can be high in calories.

Indian Barbie

Well-known member
Originally Posted by anita22
Just wanted to mention, have you also considered that one glass of 100% fruit juice can also count as one of your '5 a Day' in the UK? As such, people may be getting more of their 5 a Day than they think, if they are also drinking juice.

That one glass usually contains the equivalent of 5 spoonfulls of sugar!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by anita22
Just wanted to mention, have you also considered that one glass of 100% fruit juice can also count as one of your '5 a Day' in the UK? As such, people may be getting more of their 5 a Day than they think, if they are also drinking juice.

yep.. i've been studying this stupid campaign for six months now i know whats included in it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indian Barbie
That one glass usually contains the equivalent of 5 spoonfulls of sugar!!!

Yes, but fruits naturally contain sugar, so you'd also get sugar from eating fruit. Just because something containt sugar doesn't mean it's bad, especially in resonable doses.


Well-known member

2. Age Group

3. Are you aware of the Five a Day campaign?

4. How often do you eat Five a Day?

5. Do you believe the Five a Day campaign is well advertised?
I don't know

9. Do you feel that the price of fruit and vegetables affects your purchasing?

10. Do you believe eating Five a Day will improve your long term health?


Well-known member
1. Female

2. 18-30

3. Yes

4. 1-2 times a week

5. I don't know

6. No

9. No

10. Yes

I have a terrible diet
I really do need to eat more fruits and veggies, because I don't even eat meat.
Being healthy is hard.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jinni
Yes, but fruits naturally contain sugar, so you'd also get sugar from eating fruit. Just because something containt sugar doesn't mean it's bad, especially in resonable doses.

bad for your teeth though :'(!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vocaltest
bad for your teeth though :'(!

As long as you brush your teeth I don't think it's a problem. It doesn't have the strong acidity that sodas do. Most carbonhydrates can turn to sugar, so we'd have to stop eating pretty much everything if that was a problem.

I've had one hole in my teeth. It was 11 years ago when I was 18 and didn't brush/floss properly, so I don't think it's really a huge risk.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jinni
As long as you brush your teeth I don't think it's a problem. It doesn't have the strong acidity that sodas do. Most carbonhydrates can turn to sugar, so we'd have to stop eating pretty much everything if that was a problem.

I've had one hole in my teeth. It was 11 years ago when I was 18 and didn't brush/floss properly, so I don't think it's really a huge risk.

My mum is a dentist and she never buys any fruit juice for my family due to teeth rotting etc, fructose is equally as bad as glucose in the teeth department. I wish I only had one hole in my teeth, you're lucky!! I brush/floss/mouthwash religiously twice a day, sometimes three, never drink fruit drinks/sugary drinks, very occasionally eat sweets, yet I have three huge fillings. I think its because my teeth are naturally fairly white, my mum reckons its that due to that they're more 'chalky' as it were so more liable to rot etc.


Well-known member

2. Age Group

3. Are you aware of the Five a Day campaign?
I think I've heard something about it

4. How often do you eat Five a Day?
I usually eat about 4-5 servings of veggies a day. Fruit is a little harder since I'm on the east coast in the US and we're not in season for fruits.

5. Do you believe the Five a Day campaign is well advertised?

6. Do you have children under 18? (If no please go to question 9)

7. Do your children eat Five a Day?

8. If you provide them with a packed lunch for school, how many pieces of fruit and/or vegetables do you provide for them?

9. Do you feel that the price of fruit and vegetables affects your purchasing?
Sometimes. It's so much easier to just pick up something unhealthy.

10. Do you believe eating Five a Day will improve your long term health?

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