How Much MAC Is Too Much MAC???


Well-known member
WOW.... I almost had an orgasm reading all your MAC goodies! LOL!!!

Anywho, you should try to do some swapping maybe? But honestly, try to stop buying makeup and re-assess what you already have... I have the same problem - hoarding tons and tons of makeup...not just makeup, but clothes and shoes as well. For me, it's somewhat of a sickness. I am trying to become more of a simple "minimalist" in my old but it just ain't happening. The problem is, though, like you, I feel too overwhelmed from what I DO have and it becomes chaotic and "not fun" anymore.

Get re-acquainted with all of your lovely MAC products.. maybe re-arrange your collection, clean up the containers... do whatever it takes to make them feel like new again.



Well-known member
I know what you guys mean. I used to be ok with all of my spending because I would be drooling for weeks before I bought anything and because I honestly used everything I had on atleast a monthly basis. Then a very close friend of mine died at the beginning of the summer and I kind of went a bit crazy using makeup to comfort myself. It started to scare me because I blew about $800 dollars in three months on MAC and I'm sixteen without a job. It also scared me because I didn't care about what I was buying, and I wasn't using like I should have been doing, so I told myself I was going to stop buying makeup period for atleast six months. I took the time to get to know all of my products and found other ways to deal with grief that were easier on my wallet, and now I'm back into it. I did slip last week and spend $130 on Ornamentalism... (Come on, 30 bucks for five pigments??? Who could say no?) But I did it because I knew I would use them. So that's my story of plunging into the abyss and back out again. Lol. But yes there is a thing as too much, but it's a limit every girl or guy has to figure out for themselves.


Makeup is my crack

I have 4 desktop organizers and one small one for miscellaneous things. I look at it this way...I don't smoke, I don't drink excessively, and I don't do drugs. So, makeup has become my crack, so to speak.