How often do you wash your hair?


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Every couple of days. I have naturally curly hair and if I wash it too often, it sucks all the moisture out.


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I have to wash mine every other day sometimes i can go an extra day if i haven't been sweating alot or touching my hair a lot lol i find my hair gets greasy very quickly so i like to wash it often and keep it clean.


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I wash mine every day unless I feel like it's getting really dry, then I still get it wet but put on tons of conditioner instead of shampoo. My hair gets greasy if I don't wash it once a day, and I hate that feeling.


Well-known member
I wash my hair everyday, my hair feels greasy if don’t wash it and don’t like the smell

I dont smoke but the greasy hair has a very disagreeable scent, for that reason I wash it daily


Active member
every other day. it surprises me that so many of you all seem to not wash it everyday. my mom hates that i don't wash mine every day.


Well-known member
I wash my hair every single day.. or else ill feel super dirty and gross all day!!.. so i have too.. and plus every day i style my hair and load the products in soo id have the most disguesting hair ever if i didnt.. and if i don't straighten my hair my hair is a big frizz ball.. so even if i wave my hair out.. i have to straighten it first haha my hair takes alot of attention


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
What do you girls who smoke do? I find my hair doesn't smell that great from I've been washing it more. Is there anything that can be done besides washing it everyday to make it smell nice? How do dry shampoos work and where can you get them? I've never even heard of dry shampoo...

Get a lemon and cut it in half an then rub it all over your hair. Does wonders for getting the smells out. I used to do it when I smoked.


Well-known member
i wash mine every other day, unless i put product in it (hairspray, mousse, etc) then i'll wash it the following day...i also only wash and rinse my hair in cold water it keeps my color longer and hair shinier :)


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I wash my hair every day usually. Sometimes I'll skip a day if I want to sleep in. I also keep my hair in a ponytail at night so it's too kinky in the morning to wear out as is. And I brush my hair while I'm styling it, then maybe if I'm putting it up in a ponytail.


Well-known member
when my hair was longer i'd usually only wash it every 3 days or so

it's shorter now and i wash it every other day or it gets grode


Well-known member
I have to wash my hair every day. It gets really oily, flat and nasty looking if I don't. I brush it a few times a day, maybe three.


Well-known member
weekdays--for work, I usually do it every day. I would like to wash less often but it gets greasy (stupid side swept bangs, I touch em during the day), argh ><


Well-known member
I have to wash my hair every day! Even if I wash my hair at 6am, by the time I get home at 8pm my hair looks flat and oily

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