how to do it?


Well-known member

i have a HUGE crush on this boy. I'm in my senior year, Ive had a crush on him since like my 2nd year when I took a class with him. Let's call him Eron.

Eron is in my class, which ends THIS thursday! NOt sure if I might even see him round campus since he lives off campus. So I need to move quick my friens say. 2 of them say I should just write him a letter/note or write him to hang out on myspace. The other said I need to be confident and just go straight up to him.

PROBLEM:I'm extremely shy SOMETIMES haha !
But the thing is I am usually pretty confident so when I saw him out at the club I flirted with him ALOT so it should've been pretty obvious. All my friends who were there who saw us told me I did a good job flirtin (haha) and that he was flirting back. (the story behind that is that we saw each other at the club , hugged and talked and caught glances the whole night, but danced alongside each other but never WITH eachother. WHen I was leaving and I went to give him a hug and say bye he asked me why I didn't grab him to dance with him and why i didnt talk to him in class. I just told him that I think the guy should come up to the girl although i dont necessarily believe that and that he too could say hi first lol. we laughed about it all...) So when I saw him the next class he says hi and touches me on the shoulder. We talk occassionally in class and whenI see him out again and he always makes sure to acknowledge me. I ran into his best buds at a party and we were talking yet they seemed to bring him up randomnly (which seemed kind of weird because we were NOT talkin bout him whatsoever). Then when I asked where he was they told me he was at another party but they would let him know I asked about him. SInce I had a few drinks (and thus kind of paranoid), I said no because I didn't want to really sound like a stalker haha. But they tried to convince me saying that he would think that was cool, so yeh, I know they told him.

Whenever I see him he always smile, says "HI Khamila", sometimes we hug, we usually chat after class or out at the clubs. But this doesn't necessarily mean anything...I know

Should I waste my time or what? I mean, I think I'm doing a good job letting him know I like him but his reactions are NOT extremely negative OR positive. It seems that if he didn't like me, he would back up but he hasn't and it seems like he liked me he would talk more. He is just shy, and softspoken. I have no clue really what to say without sounding crazy or shaking haha. THis is both of ours last quarter in June!! And this THursday's the last time I'm guaranteed to see him.


Well-known member
Just go up to him with your phone number, take his hand, and curl the piece of paper with your number up in it (maybe brushing your fingers against his)...and say "I'd really like it if you called me sometime..." Say this with a very confident, flirtatious grin...and then walk away (ya gotta do the 'sexy walk', though
). If he likes you, the next step will be in his hands; that way, you won't feel foolish if you tell him you're crazy for him, and he just stares at you blankly, or something...

Giving him your number is a great way to open that door without having to put yourself out there too much...

Luck to you..Please let us know how it goes


Well-known member
YvetteJeannine is right! It seems both of you are quite shy and are probably second-guessing each other's feelings. Someone has to make a move. Give him your contact info (phone #, email, myspace) and from there it will be in his hands.
Don't let this opportunity pass by as you really don't want to part ways and wonder what could have happened. Good luck and keep us posted!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zori
YvetteJeannine is right! It seems both of you are quite shy and are probably second-guessing each other's feelings. Someone has to make a move. Give him your contact info (phone #, email, myspace) and from there it will be in his hands.
Don't let this opportunity pass by as you really don't want to part ways and wonder what could have happened. Good luck and keep us posted!

ok, ill definitely do that cuz i already have his myspace and facebook but he's not an internet person, he logs in like every 3 days lol. I will definitely try this out
thanks so much


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
Just go up to him with your phone number, take his hand, and curl the piece of paper with your number up in it (maybe brushing your fingers against his)...and say "I'd really like it if you called me sometime..." Say this with a very confident, flirtatious grin...and then walk away (ya gotta do the 'sexy walk', though
). If he likes you, the next step will be in his hands; that way, you won't feel foolish if you tell him you're crazy for him, and he just stares at you blankly, or something...

Giving him your number is a great way to open that door without having to put yourself out there too much...

Luck to you..Please let us know how it goes

ok, that works out great. hmm imma try this tommorow. i hope i dont' pass out haha. that's because he's always with his 3 good friends so i think that intimidates me. I'm always with one of my good frineds too. so we're both kinda "blocked off" haha. But he always leaves the classroom once he comes in to get water or use the bathroom so i could conveniently leave then and just give it to him on his way back. But trust me, ive got the sexy walk down hahah


Well-known member
Hey khamila.
I think u should really take a the first step. my fiancee and i were like that he was painfully shy and when i offered to give him my number, he took it and called me rigtht away. we were emailing and IM buddies. He's my cousins best f. But anyways, he called back and this was 2 and a half years ago. I really think this could be special. if u really like this guy put ur shyness away and take the first step. i was exactly like this, shy and really quiet but once I called him we started talking and we're best friends now


Well-known member
i really appreciate it. so im doing whatever tommorow, ive gotten alot of advice, so im not sure what to take now hahah but ill let you all know
that is unless its too depressing lol


Well-known member
Sounds to me like both of you are shy.Guy's wont admit it but they are more shy then Girls.Somehow it seems by reading your thread that both of you touched eachother without problems its that "Shy" factor stepping in.If his friends brought the subject up he obviously mentioned you to his friends so it would depend on the both of you.Perhaps a date alone would help.
Hint to his friends that "You wish he would take you out" or something That would give a hint.Maybe it will jump off from something as simple as talking to his friend or friends.
Hope it all works out for ya =)


Well-known member
unfortunately he didn't come to class together.
i guess my next step could be to send him a message over myspace
but i think we're heading to Rosie's this week which is the bar/club i usually see him at. And I actually think I could maybe do it better in that environment though (that is asking him to hang out and getting his phone number). Myf riend is begging me not to send him the message over myspace though lol


Well-known member
girl, i say go for it... no matter what you do, just do something! i was in the same boat as you a while back- i had a little crush on a guy, we flirted and everything but nothing happened.i guess i was just waiting for him to make the move (ask for my number, email, heck anything really), too bad it didn't happen. He then went to different universities, never to be seen again......

Take the risk girl... chances are he feels the same about you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jess98765
girl, i say go for it... no matter what you do, just do something! i was in the same boat as you a while back- i had a little crush on a guy, we flirted and everything but nothing happened.i guess i was just waiting for him to make the move (ask for my number, email, heck anything really), too bad it didn't happen. He then went to different universities, never to be seen again......

Take the risk girl... chances are he feels the same about you

yeh that's my life story. i was like that all throughout highschool and middle school and some of my college time dependign on the situations , people, etc. i just dont wanna miss my chance i guess...


Well-known member
no, he was not at the club...ok well I don't know because they wouldn't let us in because it reached capacity!! (we were standing in line for a lil while !) I'm sad, I did my makeup and stuff for it (look at my fotds)

anywho, so I'm going with the myspace thing. I'll be back...


Well-known member
semi update:
i sent an email like yesterday or the day before that. I tried to send it ove rmyspace but myspace kept saying that an error occured. Mind you this was only when i tried to send him a message. But it worked for my other friend, so i took it as a sign. haha, well no not really, i just sent it over facebook, I preferred myspace beccause at least on there you can see when the person read it.
anywho, it said the basics: spring break checkup, if he was taking the class by our fave professor next quarter, mentioned that we should hang out 4 the upcoming quarter, gave him my digits, then asked for his in i hope a cool way haha.
tis all, ill be back with an update, if he even responds to that message. currently, he 's in new orleans helping out with a project for school so i know they stay real busy. but hopefully hraye takes the time to read my message at some point lol.
pray for me or wish me luck etc.
THANKS for all the help and good wishes lovelies


Well-known member
thank you all for your help, im really grateful
I've basically given up on this boy. His friend is giving my other friend weird signals too. I haven't talked to him for a while, because I haven't seen him. And no, he still hasn't responded. My friends told me to stop liking him, because of that. I'll try to , but of course, it's hard lol.
My friend who was in the class with me (that is currently having minor issues with his friend) was talking to me about it. and we came to the conclusion that he is just into playing games. He's a very handsome guy and he just seems to love attention and flirts back to provoke you to flirt more. But it doesn't mean he necessarily likes you or not. He just plays games.
I might see him tommorow. If I do, I will act like all is normal.
I'm not the type to go off on people like that .


Well-known member
you'll find that alot in guys, unfortunately. they think they're the ish, so they play games and see how far a girl will go for his attention. best course of action now is to be non chalant about it when/if you see him again. act like you don't care whether he gives you a second glance or not. your stoicism might draw a reaction from him, and then maybe you can try it again...if it draws no kind of reaction, then you know you're just too wonderful for him anyway.


Well-known member
as a final update, i've finally graduated from that plac,e so more than likey i will not see him any more.
but he had been nothing but nice to me when I'd see him around. Oh well it sucks, but I moved on to find a decent man...this should be interesting
thanks so much for your advice guys
♥ mila

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