How to fix a broken e/s??


Well-known member
I couldn't find anything in the tutorials section, so I need some help! Does anyone know how to fix a broken e/s?
Links? I know I have seen somewhere a tut on the matter but no idea where. Aww my poor Club..Anyways thanks.


Well-known member
I know there was a tut on this too, but I'm not sure where. I just use a piece of Saran Wrap around my index finger & then press all the shadow back into the pot. You'd be amazed at how well this works


Well-known member
To add to Macattack's post, I would drop a couple droplets of rubbing alcohol into the pan and then press it down with the saran wrapped finger. Then just let the shadow sit so the alcohol evaporates, and you're home free.


Well-known member
I broke a blush a while ago and fixed it by re-pressing using a bit of alcohol, works like a charm!