Ok this is coming from a total beginner but this is what helped me. Personally I don't like those felt tip pens but if you want to use it ...start on the middle of your upper lash line ...get as closest as possible to your lashes and then go outwards. Then do the inner corner. You can also try putting little dots along the lash line ..and then connect the dots. If you're just starting out I wouldn't suggest doing the winged look just yet ...wait a few weeks or months until ur comfy with pencils, liquid and then try the winged look.
Also ..this helps but it's not reccomended ..you can pull your eyelid outward to help you get a thin line on the top lash line. The reason I don't reccomend it is because you'll be pulling on your skin ...and it loses a lot of its elasticity. So try squinting one eye and doing this..if you're blind like me
..go as close to the mirror as possible lol
I love my MAC Powerpoint pencil in Engraved, I just dip it in fluidline -blacktrack to line my upper lash line. I use MAC kohl pencil in Smolder to line the waterline. You can also do your lower lash line with Smolder but it's not waterproof. The powerpoint is ..so you can try that. I haven't tried lining my lower lash line yet. Hope this helps
P.S: You don't have to buy expensive eyeliners, just go to the drugstore and pick up some Prestige or Maybelline or whatever is cheap while you're still learning. Pencil is easiest to learn with I think.