If anyone wants to help boot these people off eBay, here's the link to
Report counterfeit or replica items.
I have reported this seller numerous times to eBay regarding their 'Replica, Counterfeit Items and Unauthorized Copies' policy, and every time I do someone has ended the auction early with the 'Buy it Now' option. It leaves me wondering if eBay investigates it any further since the item had been sold. The response that eBay provides is as follows:
"...If the item you reported does not appear on its face to violate this policy, we may refer it to the intellectual property rights owner for review. If the rights owner has a good faith belief that the item is infringing, they may choose to send eBay a formal request to remove the listing."
At this point they should have been, but I am unaware if MAC has in fact been notified.
They (eBay) clearly state in their counterfeit policy that
if the product you are selling bears the name or logo of a company, but it wasn't made or endorsed by that company, don't list it on eBay.
It's obviously fake to those of us who know the product, unfortunately, these buyers are unaware that it's fake. Because of the low-grade quality of these items, the buyers may be left with the impression that MAC products suck. Result = MAC gets the bad rap for it and it's possible that MAC has lost customers based on that theory alone.
Just to keep it clear, my intent is not to start trouble. I am very passionate about getting rid of this bad seed and others like them. I like to look at it as preventative maintenance to help those people that are spending hundreds of dollars to buy this counterfeit crap.