I am so upset!


Well-known member
I bought Pinkocrassy chromeglass on saturday, I love it. I wanted a really pink pink. I went out drinking Saturday nite, it never left my side. Then, I went to a family dinner last night and I was sporting it also. It is gone, I had it one day, and I lost it. I am so sad, my BF called the restaurant and his grandmas looking for it. BOOO


New member
omg, that sucks so much!!!!! im so sorry, hopefully you just misplaced it and u'll find it somewhere around in a little nook in ur purse!


Well-known member
i totally feel your pain, you dont even know how much mac i have lost. i try to be so careful with it. i just lost of corset! and slicked pink!
i wish there was a mac warranty on le products ahah so if you loose em you get a replacement.


Well-known member
did you look in the car really good? between the crevices of the seats, and underneath, etc...? I have dropped a lippie in the car before and taken forever to find it.


Active member
omg i totally know what you mean ive only lost one thing and it was the lip conditoner but it was brand new i was really upset still and i thought that i lost my bare cnavas paint but i was cleaning up my bathroom one day and i found it i was really happy i hope you find yours good luck


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sxychika1014
omg, that sucks so much!!!!! im so sorry, hopefully you just misplaced it and u'll find it somewhere around in a little nook in ur purse!

yeah hopefully u just misplaced it. i've never lost a mac item so i dont know whats its like...but i can only imagine!


Well-known member
I know what it's like to lose a MAC product, except in my case somebody STOLE a full jar of teal pigment... it made me so mad, I'm still mad and this happened last November LOL... but hopefully I shall have my revenge, being that of course, my teal pigment was the non eye safe batch, so whoevers sporting my lovely green piggie as a shadow, will hopefully have some lovely puffy, itchy eyes to go along with it!

I'm not a nasty person but when someone steals an EXPENSIVE pro something of mine, I get a lil' mad... lets just say, I hope Karma is my friend...

Think I'm over my lil' rant now... LOL.

It sux though. I try to never go out with any of my expensive lipglosses... I have a tendency to lose things...

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