I Can't Do Blues!!!


Well-known member
I have tried.... but I just can't get them look good... It might be all in my head tho...

I have
and a few more.... I swear they TURN on me like a nasty cold!!!!

Help me pair some color combos... maybe I'll keep them

I'm NW45, Black hair, and Brown eyes

I can work almost EVERY other color... and I LOVE purples... so blue is just 3 steps up from purple right???


Well-known member
I'm NW 45 with brown eyes and black hair too and blues are my absolute favorite. I have over 15 blue eye shadows now with more on the way... I'm obsessed. I typically go for the brighter blues but do have a few darker shades that I mainly use for the crease or if I'm doing a smoky eye look.

Are you using a base before you apply your shadows? Try using Delft paint pot, Blackground paint pot or even Fascinating eye Kohl as a base to make the colours more vibrant. Contrast is a pretty dark shade so maybe try using it in the crease with Fade or another lighter colour on the lid. Do you have any greeny-blue shades in your collection? Maybe try pairing some of your darker blues with the brighter teals and even the purples!
I also have this problem with blues. I would love to wear various shades of blue eyeshadow BUT can't seem to find one that would suit me!
I'm an NC42/43.


Well-known member
I think that specktrolite named one of the biggest problems with getting strong colors to look right on WOC --> bases. Make sure that you're wearing the right base and experiment with colors. Black is a nice base for blues also.

Blues come in a wide variety of tints and shades and some of them are warmer or cooler than others. So blues like Parrot and Big T are Green-shades/Yellow-Shades where as blues like Bang on Blue are more true blues.
Tilt sounds like a blue violet so maybe try paring it with a slightly darker violet color.
I have Contrast and usually use it with Deep Truth and Carbon (that way I have not only a color gradient but a texture gradient too). I usually use them over a black base.

Check out Faithhopelove24's stuff in Member FOTDs. She has one with Tilt.


Well-known member
Don't feel bad. Blues don't look good on me either. I wish they did. I have a ton of blues but can't use them on myself


Well-known member
I love using BLUES. I base my eyes with a green (forgot the name) paintpot and layer with freshwater and then put like a navy blue or black eye shadow in your crease.


I am NW 43 and i've had the hardest time getting my electric eel to work, but a few days ago I went out and bought a teal colored jumbo eyeliner pencil and used it for my base and it helped amazingly!


I'm an NW43/45 and I love my blues.. my favorite is parrot.. and if i use a wet brush club..
keep trying different color combos..it'll work out for you.


Well-known member
I am NW50 and i have a hard time working with blues..
even greens..a green eyeliner yes..a green eyeshadow just collects dust


Well-known member
Ok ladies....

I'm going to try using a darker base for my blues... I've use everything from

NYX crayons, Paints, Shadesticks, and Benefits primers....

I'm going to play a bit more.... see what happens!

Thanks ladies!!!


Well-known member
i have never seen anyone go wrong with deep truth. its a dark blue but has a very true blue sheen to it.


Well-known member

Blues look absolutely gorgeous on dark skin tones... the problem is that we see the color blue as almost a "trashy" color. Try a subtle and somky dark navy blue or a bright blue eyeliner.

I FUKCIN LOVE BLUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Well, seeing as blue is my absolute favorite color for every freaking thing, and I've only very recently broken out of my neutral color rut, I figured I'd take the plunge and do an all blue eye for the first time, this past Saturday and head to the mall.

I used two different blues from two different L'Oreal HIP duos.
I used the Blue side of the Roaring duo(lash to crease, outer lower lash, outer v {all wet, with home made mixing medium}), and the "Parrot dupe" side of the Showy duo(inner V of lid, inner lower lash) , and a little blue/green mica and a little aqua mica (to accent and highlight as needed). I lined the upper lid with the Teal Creme Liner. Like I said, I'm pretty new to using bold color, so I was pretty intimidated but vigorous blending yielded an impressive result for me, as a color noob. I should also say that I'm NW45 as well, although I tan in the spring/summer ( of course!).

I've very proud and excited to say that I got compliments all day, from strangers, and MAs at MAC and Sephora,
so I was way beyond flattered and that really boosted my confidence and has given me the boost I need to play with my favorite color family (BLUES!!!!!) and other bold colors in the future.
I really wish I'd taken pics, but here's the rub: I forgot a base!
So late in the day, I had minor creasing, but it was easily fixable w/o adding more product, thank goodness.

So, I say all that to say that if a noob like me can do it with cheapie shadows, I know you can! It's just a matter of finding the right combo that's right for you. Hope that helps!

FYI: for the other ladies who ain't scared of drugstore/hood beauty supply cosmetics; I somehow landed in the beauty supply this afternoon and found an awesome dupe for Deep Truth! It's by Wild and Crazy (they're hard to find now, but I got lucky by literally picking through a basket of shadows), and the color is called Wipe Out. I had a few of their shadows from I don't know how long ago(5 or more years, easily) that I never used, and just depotted, so I suppose that's why they're hard to find now. Cherryculture.com has some of the colors. Other dupes are Mad Raven (Carbon), Outback Powder (pretty close to Rule) Copperina (Sable). Okay, enough of my blabbering.


Well-known member
Because I have a very yellow undertone, I must cancel it out with a purple tinted base. Sometimes I will use a "nude" colored paint, mixed in with a tiny dash of purple pigment, and it will usually do the trick. So even if I want to have a nice sheer looking blue shadow, it looks like the blue it's supposed to be and not some funky greenish color.