I Completely Bombed My Interview


I worked as Holiday help at a major store here in Atlanta last year, and then freelanced in January and for Fafi this year. But I moved farther south, and the drive is to far for me to commute. In March I put a resume in with a local MAC counter and the only one in my area, and the manager was not allowed to hire anyone, because of a hiring freeze. Well I have been calling religously every 3 weeks since then, updating here submittin updated resumes. I got a job at Lancome in May for experience, and so forth. I had not previous cosmetics experiences before MAC, the manager mainly hired me because I wanted to learn, and he needed someone primarily for cash register and stock.

Well fast forward to now, and finally she is going to be allowed to hire a few new people because they are moving her store. She has called and I have an interview scheduled for the 11th of September, and I have never been so nervous before. My last interview the manager new I didn't have makeup experience, but she hired me just to help the place run smoothly during the holiday and freeup the artists....

I need to submit a Creative letter telling why I want to work there, why I think I deserve it, etc... I need help, I want this more then anything. everytime I work at lancome I practice my makeup, I mean I am still average, but I want this. I need to know what to put in a creative letter, and how to format it etc...

Please any advice would be appreciated!




Well-known member
Re: Creative Letter for MAC

You should do a cover letter, and in that include why you would be good for the company, and why you want to work there.

In my cover letter I mentioned viva glam and their other programs.

Best of luck to you Chris!!


Active member
Re: Creative Letter for MAC

I agree with glamdoll, do a coverletter and detail your experience and product knowlege.


Well-known member
Re: Creative Letter for MAC

you could name why you love MAC, commitment to CS, diversity of the company etc.


Preview my Cover Letter- Feedback please

Dear *********:

There are many candidates who apply to MAC Cosmetics, and desire to work for your company. However, I believe I am the exception when it comes to candidate, and I am the perfect match for your company.
There are going to be few candidates who have the knowledge and experience of running a business like I do. For over 3 years I ran a company which I had founded. I know the effort it takes to pour one’s blood, sweat, and tears into a company. I know the satisfaction one gets after your have satisfied a client. I know the desire and motivation it takes to achieve and excel in the world of business, and I will bring these to MAC Cosmetics.
I know that professionalism is vital to a company, and the image which employees display reflects a companies beliefs and values. MAC Cosmetics is a fragile house of cards which embodies glamour, sophistication, and elegance. It is imperative that employees maintain this image on and off the clock. I strive to maintain this belief in my work, and in my personal life.
Customer Service is another area of vital importance to the survival and growth of a company. I will work towards ensuring that every client of MAC Cosmetics leaves the counter as a satisfied customer. They know they are purchasing a product, from the premier cosmetics line. I will devote to every customer 100% of my attention weather they want something as simple as a new lipglass, or foundation, all the way to makeover. It will be my pleasure to service them at the highest standards.
However, it is my personal belief that passion and love for ones company is what sets me apart from other candidates. Many people desire to work for MAC, but in their minds it is just a job. I see a counter position as a stepping stone to a career with a company I love. Never have I felt such a passion for company.
I believe much of this stems from the companies beliefs. The company believes in equality, and a changing world. They value each employee and make the effort to make this known. Through the MAC Aids Fund, and Back To MAC Program, the company has set itself apart from other cosmetics company. MAC is active in the world, and is striving for change and acceptance of all individuals.
While there will be many who apply for a position with your company. I feel that I am the best candidate. I will conduct my work with proffesionalism. I will strive to maintain the MAC image. Customer satisfaction is of the highest priority to me at the counter. And I have passion which is unrivaled by other in the desire to work for MAC Cosmetics.



I had one hour to take my model from a day look to a night look, and do eyes, face, and lips...

I did her foundation the first time, and it looked ashy so I did it again. Still looked ashy, so I left it. I then proceded to do her eyes... I was so nervous the and eye lookedlike crap. I said okay for the day look, and I was so nervous I forgot to put mascara and eyeliner on my model. They pointed it out, then I proceded to run around the counter like a chicken with its head cut off... I left a big mess, and usually I am very clean putting things away. THe manager kept giving me a count down, and it made me even more nervous. Towards the end, I went over 15 minuters, the makeup looked completely like shit, and I feel like ugh. I hate 2 weeks to prepapre, and I did it... I completely choked!

I was supposed to have a sit-down interview. But the manager said that wouldn't be nessecary, she, " Had seen enough."...

I choked, and I croaked. I feel like hitting myself in the head with a frying pan. She didn't say I didn't the job, but her and the trainer I felt were eyeing my down the whole time. I want to know what was on their little pads of paper, and I wanted to take it and throw it away.

It hurts when you have spent hours investing time and money into this interview like I did. I can do decent makeup, I know I can. I had the heighest sales at my cosmetics counter, I am known as the guy. I worked for Holiday help and some freelance at another MAC Counter, and I forgot everything. The stress of the interview was god damn to much.

Well I tried, and I cried. I had waited 6 months for this interview and I bombed it completely!

Then they ripped her makeup from head to toe, they were polite, but I just wanna scream!


Well-known member
I'm sorry you had such a bad interview. But, don't give up and don't get defeated. You've done it once and think of it as a test run. Try again. I'm sure you'll do much better the next time.


Well-known member
try try again.....it took me a while before i got hired. don't give up...now you know what to expect and thats gonna make you an even better artist in the long run...


Well-known member
Re: Preview my Cover Letter- Feedback please

It's good. I see a few spelling errors though (I'm a very picky speller lol)
whether and professionalism...

Just my 2 cents worth. Sorry if it sounds awful...

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I bombed mine too, didn't get the job :/

I know that part isn't going to make you feel better, but I know how you feel. The good thing is that the hiring manager and the people who watched my demo saw that I could definitely sell, and they wanted me to practice and come back and try again! Don't feel defeated, it's not the end all be all. A lot of MAs don't make the cut the first, or even second time around. Don't beat yourself up and dwell on it too much, look toward how you're going to make sure to get the job done next time.

Good luck!


Well-known member
Defintely dont give up. Look at it as a chance to improve on your current skills and come back later better than ever.

Just curious..but what did they say to you, about the makeup you did?


Well-known member
I am so sorry.
I agree with everyone else, don't give up! At least now you know what to expect and you'll be less nervous and more prepared next time!


Well-known member
Dont worry about it. There are other lines that you can work for and have fun with. And I hope u r not talking about that mac at the Belks in macon (spent time down there). The counter manager hired her roomate b4 I left and she wore no makeup. You will be fine, your passion will get u there. Good luck!