I don't get it...


Well-known member
So last night while I was PMS-ing. I haven't talked to my bf for about 3 days. 2 of the days was because I didn't feel the need too. But then I got annoyed by Saturday with zero contact other than a few texts.. and Sunday... sent him a "We have to talk." And yeah.. I got mad at him for not calling me. Because before we did have a problem with him not calling me and me always having to call him. And we managed to compromise on that. And we were going good for a month.

But then he started telling me.. "Oh, it's not working out. We better just end it." What the hell? the most we talk is once a day. Sometimes not even and we live about 40 minutes apart. I know I'm not being smothering, I'm asking him to give a damn about me. I don't want to know where he is 24/7, I let him hang out with his friends whenever he wants... I told him.. "This is something not worth breaking up over." And I just apologized for about 2 hours because I really shouldn't have gotten mad over us not talking for one night. I said we can fix this. He just keeps saying.. "I don't want to. I don't want to deal with this. I really hate drama." Then he brought up something about our relationship almost ending in the beginning and how it started on a bad note in the first place. I didn't even know what he was talking about, but then yeah, I remembered it was when he visited me the first time and I was trying to get all of us, me, him, and my friends to go to a party.

Basically what happened then was... the party and my friends were all over the place... we tried for an hour to follow them.. lost them... and he said he basically felt like he was my chauffeur and that it seemed like I wanted to hang out with my friends more than him... because he came all the way down just to see me. And.. yeah.. I know I was wrong then. But he brought it up.. and I didn't even think we were in danger of breaking up at that time. I was like.. "Why didn't you tell me if you didn't even forgive me then or accept my apology. It's not fair to me." That when I apologize now he says.. "It's too late." or "This is just going to keep bothering you."

He doesn't give me options. I want to fix things, he just hard-headedly says "No, it just won't work out." It's like there is nothing I can do about this. We just hit 3 months just yesterday. Everything was going fine, he was texting me good night.. sweet dreams.. he missed me.. he loves me. That was just 2 days ago! And all of a sudden he has this change of heart because I mentioned something.

And he has a final this Thursday. Maybe he's just stressed out?

I just kept asking him if he loved me... like.. if he meant it or anything, what he said before. He just kept saying.. "I don't know." I was like.. "You're really saying that then? Just straight up your feelings can change just because I bring up something like this, and I apologized." And he's like.. "Well, yeah, people's feelings can change really fast."

I don't know... basically at the end of the whole argument, we're not broken up, but he said he needs space.

So what the hell am I supposed to do? I'm not going to call or contact him, but the whole thing just seems really weird. It's like.. all of a sudden... And we wouldn't have been distance anymore just in two weeks when we both got back to school. He even said.. "I probably won't see you that much in the fall, since of rushing and everything I have to do with the frat and stuff."

And the whole like.. this ending right at three months it's like.. he was only here for the honeymoon period or something, in the new relationship. None of his other relationships have lasted past 2 or 3 months. It just.. I don't know.. I really love him. And everything.. but it just... maybe he's just too immature and just not ready for a relationship. Things just get a little difficult and he wants out. But I think this is such a silly thing to end things on. Over a damn phone call...

Yeah.. I just want some advice or something...


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm afraid that if he was willing to break up with you over that, he must have been brewing those feelings for at least a little while. I'm sorry to hear it :/ I wouldn't bother contacting him--if he realizes he's made a mistake I'm sure he'd get in touch with you immediately.


Well-known member
Elaine it sounds like he is trying to check out of the relationship to be honest. He doesn't seem to be giving any signals that he is wanting to work on things. I am sorry to hear that things went down that way. Since you live 40 minutes away and talk once a day on the phone he already has a ton of space IMO and I don't see how he could get much more.

I hope everything works out.


Active member
I'm going to apologize in advance for this..Girl..he just taking you for a free ride. He doesnt really care about you or your feeling! You just making it worse by SAYING SORRY TO HIM FOR 2 HOURS. Let him go! Its easy to tell someone that he loves her..but if he really does he wouldnt do it only when he feels like!! You guys only been together for 3 months and he already do this dissappearing act? you're supposed to be in your honeymoon period still!! It'll be harder for your to let him go if you wait longer..and trust me..you know that saying "you dont know what you have till you lost it"..so you know what to do..let him weep!!

Trust me...I know exactly how you feel..been there..but in my case..please add some physical and mental abuse..my regrets. Sadly no one ever been that blunt to me!! Dont give him more power to hurt you..show him you'll do better without him.

One more thing..so what if youre needy?! Youre a girl for god's sake!! and 3 months?? God that should be the happiest moment in a relationship!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
Elaine it sounds like he is trying to check out of the relationship to be honest. He doesn't seem to be giving any signals that he is wanting to work on things. I am sorry to hear that things went down that way. Since you live 40 minutes away and talk once a day on the phone he already has a ton of space IMO and I don't see how he could get much more.

I hope everything works out.

ITA. I'd text him good luck on the day of his test and then let him contact you. I think that's a fairly harmless communication and it will allow him to do what he wants with it. If he doesn't respond or chill out after the exam, I think you have your answer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharkbytes
Yeah, I'm afraid that if he was willing to break up with you over that, he must have been brewing those feelings for at least a little while. I'm sorry to hear it :/ I wouldn't bother contacting him--if he realizes he's made a mistake I'm sure he'd get in touch with you immediately.

That's just it though. There was no sign.. no mention of the brewing feelings. It's like.. ugh, he just wasn't into me at all to start with, but I thought he was...

Originally Posted by coachkitten
Elaine it sounds like he is trying to check out of the relationship to be honest. He doesn't seem to be giving any signals that he is wanting to work on things. I am sorry to hear that things went down that way. Since you live 40 minutes away and talk once a day on the phone he already has a ton of space IMO and I don't see how he could get much more.

I hope everything works out.

This is probably the truth.. and I don't want to hear it.. but.. ugh. I just can't stop it from hurting. Even if it is something like this, where he doesn't even deserve my tears.

Originally Posted by glavinagal
I'm going to apologize in advance for this..Girl..he just taking you for a free ride. He doesnt really care about you or your feeling! You just making it worse by SAYING SORRY TO HIM FOR 2 HOURS. Let him go! Its easy to tell someone that he loves her..but if he really does he wouldnt do it only when he feels like!! You guys only been together for 3 months and he already do this dissappearing act? you're supposed to be in your honeymoon period still!! It'll be harder for your to let him go if you wait longer..and trust me..you know that saying "you dont know what you have till you lost it"..so you know what to do..let him weep!!

Trust me...I know exactly how you feel..been there..but in my case..please add some physical and mental abuse..my regrets. Sadly no one ever been that blunt to me!! Dont give him more power to hurt you..show him you'll do better without him.

One more thing..so what if youre needy?! Youre a girl for god's sake!! and 3 months?? God that should be the happiest moment in a relationship!!

The thing is though, I didn't have any perception if I was needy at all. I know I wasn't. So yeah. He's just lame..

Originally Posted by purrtykitty
ITA. I'd text him good luck on the day of his test and then let him contact you. I think that's a fairly harmless communication and it will allow him to do what he wants with it. If he doesn't respond or chill out after the exam, I think you have your answer.

Yeah.. that's what I planned to do...


Well-known member
ElParkieee... oh, sweetie. :/

I'm really sorry to say that, but he is imature, he doesn't know how to take care of a relationship, he seems to be a brat and you have to fill HIS wills and expectations. NO! You are a beautiful, funny, smart girl, don't be submissive to a guy like that.

I know you love him, but this is not ok. You can't tak him to a party with your friends but he can walk out on you because of a frat?

I'm here, ok? PM me if you need one more shoulder. :*


Well-known member
If his past relationships haven't lasted anymore than 2-3 months, that's a good sign right there. I think maybe he's afraid of commitment? It doesn't sound you have done anything wrong here at all, so please don't beat yourself up over it!

I'm really sorry you're going through this though, I know how horrible it can be
Don't worry though, you are a beautiful girl and I'm sure you will meet better & nicer guys at school this semester!


Well-known member
Okay, here's my ass-vice and I don't really know the situation, just going off of what you are saying. I think you hit the nail on the head with the "he's too immature and not ready for a relationship" thing. It sounds like he doesn't understand what a relationship is if he thinks it doesn't take work, or know what love is if he thinks he can just flip in and out of it. It sounds either controlling, like he's letting you know if you step out of line he can walk away so easily or like he just really doesn't give a damn and want to make any kind of effort. Only you and he really know what your relationship is and I hope you sort it out in a way that is best for you, maybe give each other space until after rush week and see where you stand. Good luck hon!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkishstar
I'm asking him to give a damn about me.

you shouldn't have to ask. if you do, then the relationship probably isn't meant to be. i don't mean to be blunt or insensitive, but there's plenty of fish in the sea and if you've got to ask this guy to care about you then he simply isn't the one. just toss him back in and find another one.


Well-known member
I am so sorry to hear this Elaine

I agree with the other posters, seems like he wants out of the relationship. Nothing you say or do is going to change his mind, he seems determined to get out.

Good luck.


Well-known member
Iam sorry you are going through this
I agree with the other posters that you should not contact him in the next few days, If he wants to contact you he knows were you are.

I hope everything gets sorted x


Well-known member
I'm so sorry you have to go through this, I know it hurts so bad but the reality is that he seems to be just too immature for this relationship. The best thing you can do is to just give him space and if he really truly loves you he'll come to his senses and contact you. If not, the he isn't worth your tears! I'm sure that a girl as gorgeous and smart as you are can find a man who really and truly cares about you and doesn't want to back you the second you have a fight.

Just take care


Well-known member
I'm sorry you are going through this sweety. I think that you just need a better guy, who would appreciate you, make you feel like princess and treat you the best way ever. I would say, you should tell him you from your side are willing to work things out and you dont want a break-up. Let him know it, and thats it. And dont call him yourself, tell this when he will call you. Or ok, if he wont and you will feel very bad hun, text him this stuff maybe? You cant force him to be in a relationship. Let him think over it himself, cause well, his behaviour really sucks. He's just not used to this maybe, like NicksWifey said. But he gotta get his mind straight and make a decision.
Even if it wont get better, you will definitely find a better guy. Lots of hugs to you.


Well-known member
As much as I hate to say it, it really seems like he is just looking for an excuse to get out of the relationship. Not knowing him and reading what he has said and done, he seems like the type to flake out early in the face of any little thing he doesn't like.

As hard as it may be, don't chase him. You deserve better Elaine. I am so sorry you are going through this.

And please please try not to stress so much. School is starting up, put him out of your mind.


Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear about your drama

It really doesn't look like your bf is ready for a committed relationship. You are right about the honeymoon period being the easiest. Relationships take time and patience and if his feelings for you have changed over someting this trivial, how will he deal with bigger challenges that will come your way in the future? I also don't think telling you how you almost broke up at the begining is something a person does when they're trying to move forward.

Keep your head high, you have done the best you can in this relationship. The rest is up to him. I hope that you find the happiness you deserve


Well-known member
I'm going to clean up this mess and start with a fresh slate fall quarter.

I'm just going to break it off completely. Hear what he has to say for the last time and just let him know that... I thought he was totally immature, didn't know what a relationship or love was, that his reasons are just full of shit, that he probably didn't even feel anything for me in the first place.. and that he pretty much lied to me the entire time. I don't know if anything he did was true at all. And that he thinks he can read me well? No way. I'm the most unsmothering, least dramatic girl he could ask for. And sorry he couldn't see that. And end on, it's okay, I don't need you anyways, so good bye!

I totally feel like I was played and lead on for 3 months.
He honestly probably just wants to break it off and just... find another girl or something. And a good friend of my and this person is a friend of his as well.. said like.. yeah... this is probably the case.

It's okay though, I'm done. I done with guys for now. I'm just sick and tired of all this bullshit. Because seriously, he was totally full of shit.
All of these reasons are bullshit and I know better now.
I'm just going to move on.. rush for those sororities I wanted to.. and just look as hot as possible while I'm doing it.
This is not a time I need to be tied down or need a man in my life. In this case, he wasn't even a man, but just a stupid little boy.

As long as I did my best. I just wish I didn't waste these 3 months, but oh well, that's just talking in hindsight.


Well-known member
awww elaine. i have to agree with everyone else.. he wanted out and if someone who's heart isn't entirely in the relationship, you can't make it. it's totally his lost anyways! i'll see you in the fall.. i'm super excited! i'll be in the C-Dog building! haha.. cedar.

totally different topic: but how did you find a way to store all your make up in the dorms? we can definitely get together and stay up all night doing make-up on each other and bashing guys. mMMm! sounds like a fantastic time!