I don't handle death well...


Well-known member
Not meaning like I grieve and grieve or anything but yeah...

I just found out that a guy I sorta knew at school was killed in a car crash while visiting his family. I don't feel horrible. I mean...I feel really horrible because I know I should feel sympathy and whatever else...but I don't.

I just feel like...oh...someone I sorta knew is no longer here...

I feel like I should be at least somewhat emotional about having someone die, esp cuz he was a friend of my boyfriend and of my boyfriend's best friend....but...in reality I don't really care. And I mean that in the least harshest way possible.

The fact that I don't really care makes me feel like this cold heartless bitch...


Well-known member
It's just your way of dealing with death...different people have different reactions to death...so don't feel too bad about your reaction.


Well-known member
It's ok not to feel a lot for someone you weren't really close to. If we all went around crying & mourning for every death that we heard about, really, life wouldn't exist...it would be all about death & grieving.

My freshman year of college I found out one of my best friends from middle school had killed herself. I was shocked & sad, for like a minute, but then I moved on...we hadn't talked in years. I kinda felt bad for feeling nothing, but then I got over it...and then felt bad for that (you get the cycle).

But when it was someone close to me who died-well, that was a whole different story...

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