I Don't Want To Go To Mum's House FOTD


Well-known member
Well it was hard to do, I did not want to go to my mums house with this hair because I knew that she did not like it, but I finally did it.

Here is what I posted on MUA about it- since I am lazy and don't want to rephrase the whole thing- I have left it as is so that is why it sounds a bit odd for here- like I did not post this already here......


Okay, here is a repost of yesterday's FOTD so in case you missed it, you know what I am talking about.

At the end after the photos and all, I will give you my discovery and what I learned after your comments yesterday......


I had a long post yesterday about how worried I was wearing my hair to my parent's house knowing they did not like it at all. They did not say anything about it when I got there, but I could sense that it was coming- the look of *how can she look so awful* started fomenting.

Given the history of being told I looked disgusting in looks that I felt good in, I was really starting to get stressed. However, in a wild twist of circumstances, a woman with cancer who used to have amazing hair showed up at our table for dinner and being the up front type person I am, told her that she just HAD to get a wig- how much it would free up her life.

She was wearing a little bright red cap and had spent almost a year not going out of the house due to shame of being bald now. I knew how she felt as I had similar situation when a hairstylist burned a huge hole in my hair that would not grow back.

So, I told her about wigs and thankfully I had one on- my mom said, " well, she has on a wig" - and the woman did not believe it.

Then my mom said, yes, when you see one that is so natural looking and nice as that one, it sure helps, doesn't it? (I know she hates this one too so this was amazing for her to say this).

And that helped the woman a lot- as she was so depressed looking bald for so long- her hair was her mantle so to speak.

Then when we got home, my mom told me that this lady was selling her furniture and everything just to pay for chemo as she was in bad shape financially so she was going to send her a gift certificate for the company that has the nicest wigs, so she did not have to be depressed anymore.

Isn't that COOL?

So, once again, a potentially horrid situation turned around to be a really nice thing. She never told me that I looked nice at all, so that lady got the compliment out of her in public, but I never did hear how bad I looked in private, which I usually do hear.

Oh, and the reason we were there for my son's driving test- he passed it too- HOORAY! The instructor had to look at my ID just to make sure I was over 21 (HAHA) and said, "Hey, you are the same age as my wife- 30. I told him that he was my friend. HAHAHA

Well, here is how I looked, except the lipcolor, which I changed after photos- it was too dark. I changed it to light peach sherbet color. Oh yes, and the liner under the eyes is not as dark as the photo makes it look- it is actually a medium to light auburn color (believe it or not!)




Frostlite FL(MAC)
Tupai Color Dose (Lancome)
Firefly pigment (Sweetscents)
Acid Orange pigment(MAC)
Electric Coral pigment (MAC)
Vanilla pigment(MAC)
Copper Interference (Sweetscents)
Chartreuse Pigment (MAC)
Nightfish FL (MAC) liner
Firefly is liner under eye

Mango Tango (Milani)
Stereo Rose MSF(MAC)
Metal Rock MSF (MAC)

Vegas Volt (MAC)
Wet Shine Diamonds (Maybelline) Mandarin Ice

I thought it was too dark, so I changed it to---

Cosmic Girl (Lancome) Stargloss
with Wet Shine in Mandarin Ice over it which was more of an orange/peach sherbet color.



Okay, several people kept referring to my under eye liner being too dark. Now, I have worn under eye liner that dark with no problem, but this has been puzzling me as several people keep saying this about photos where my undereye liner is quite light.

So, being the researcher and mad scientist that I am, I decided to explore this and try to figure out WHY the camera insists on making it look like I have dark or heavy under eye liner when in reality I don't.

In the photos above, my liner was between a light and medium auburn and quite light, but in the photos it came out like I had a dark brown black on.

SO! Last night I had to race out the door to go get a quick dinner with DH. I purposely decided to experiement with the absence of undereye liner just to see how it would look.

I did a waterline of a small corner of blue peep FL only- no other undereye liner.

When I got ready to go out the door, I noticed that it looked like I had applied liner under my eyes. Upon closer inspection, I saw that when applying my mascara, the brush had left little black marks at the roots of the lashes, which from a distance looked just like liner!

Well, that is a black color, so no wonder it looks like my undereye liner is dark on camera- cameras tend to connect the dots unless in a real high resolution close up, so that solved the mystery of why my undereye liner looks darker in the photos but in real life is not that bad.

See? I really DO listen to all comments offered and take them to heart- that is how you learn!

Thanks all!



Well-known member
U look beautiful "today", I think the liner was ok even if u had lined it that way.

Ur hair looks so beautiful & "flowy", I do love ur hair!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pei
U look beautiful "today", I think the liner was ok even if u had lined it that way.

Ur hair looks so beautiful & "flowy", I do love ur hair!

So you think that the dark look of the liner on the bottom is okay?

In person it really did not look that dark. Sometimes when a bunch of comments pop up like that, it makes you rethink and feel a bit ungrounded at first.

Like, did I miss something?

But that happens a lot with photos I take. In person it all flows beautifully but in a photo, it tends to make colors look choppy and have much more contrast than they do in real life.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by glittergoddess27
I think the liner looks fine. I often use dark liner on the bottom with certain looks. Your look is perfect.

Thank you- I think I needed to hear that today. Been having some hard times lately and hearing encouragement really helps. Thanks. I don't want to lose that creative edge.



Well-known member
I really dig the hair! And the whole story, too. It's so nice to help someone feel better about themselves.

I also think the dark looking liner on the bottom balances out your makeup, especially since the liner on the top is dark. Annnnddd your cheeks are so rosy! I love it! I'm ghostly white and no blush shows up that well on me.


Well-known member
Your hair (and makeup) look great (but having seen your previous looks I'd expect nothing less!). I'm puzzled why anyone could possibly object.

I'm really pleased that something really good came out of it in the end and that your mother's reaction wasn't as you'd expected. A friend of mine has had chemotherapy recently and without a wig she daren't even leave the house. Hair is a really important part of our image and many of us feel vulnerable when we haven't got the hair we want.

I was having dinner in one of my favourite restaurants a few months back and saw a woman on a nearby table who had her head shaved. At first I thought she might have had cancer but then I realised it was Natalie Portman who had shaved her head for a role in the film V for Vendetta. All I can say is that she has much more courage than I will ever have!

Keep being yourself
It's what you're best at!


I think the reason the e/l on the bottom stands out soo much is because your waterline is thick and very pink so the e/l pops. Maybe try lining just the waterline and nothing under the lashes?

Another Janice!

Well-known member
You look great!! I love the hair!

And wanted to add...

My dad gives me flack too when I color my hair anything other than what a "normal persons" hair would/should look like.

Something along the lines of "walking around looking like a freak". LMAO...SOOOOOOO old fashioned he is. But I love him anyway.