Well-known member
I should probably write a really long post about this, but I hate typing long stuff, but I'll give it a go.
I'm kinda worried about writing this because I've never been so open on the internet and if anyone found it I'd die. ):
The main thing that probably leads to me being so sensitive is my family history. I'm sixteen, and earlier this year I moved out of my mums. We didn't get on for months and just argued all the time. It was mostly because of her partner who threatened to hit me and just treated me like shit. I just ended up spending no time with them as family. I'd eat meals in my room with the door shut because we always argued over dinner. I'd bring friends round and her partner would just say shit about me whilst they were there. It ended up that I moved out, on mothers day, on a bad note. My mum hasn't made an effort since. She text me a few times asking what I was up to, but that's it. I genuinely believed she'd beg for me back. I couldn't, and still can't understand how any mother can not show the slightest bit of emotion at their child leaving home. A while back I spoke to someone about this and she said that I should go and see her and try and make an effort. I found this incredibly hard due to what she'd done (read below) but I still did it. I went and saw her at work and had a little chat, but after that, things didn't change. A few weeks later I text her and asked if she wanted to do something. She said her partner would be there and I said I wasn't happy about that. A meeting never took place. I mean...I hate so many things about my mum - and yeah, I mean hate (you'll understand why when you read on), but she's still my mum. I've spent so much time with my boyfriends family and I'm sooo jealous of him. He's got a perfect mum. I'd do anything for my mum back but it just wouldn't work as neither of us are trying enough and the fact her partner is a complete asshole. I also learnt that I wasn't perfect at home and I should have made more effort to be part of the family. I know this because my boyfriend has a younger sister and I used to be exactly like her and now I'm older I can see how wrong it is.
I used to own 2 ponies when I was at my mums. Unfortunately, like most kids with horses, I had NO idea how lucky I was. I had Toffee for 5 years and he was my first pony and although I didn't ride him much because he was a little small for me, I was still very attached to him. I had Tonto for about 3 years. When I first got him he was awful. He was so naughty. Over the years I did sooo much work with him and he turned out great. I never gave up on him no matter how hard it was. When it was decided I'd move out, my dad said he'd buy Tonto for me. My dad isn't horsey in the slightest by the way, he hates them. My mum said she wanted £2000 for Tonto and he wasn't worth that at all. In the end I think he probably sold for about £1500? My dad said to my mum that he'd pay what he was worth if she got someone out to value him. Mum said £2000 take it or leave it. So he left it. So I lost my ponies. I rode them every day after school even though I didn't live at my mums. I walked past my house to the yard, too scared to go anywhere near it. One day I came and they were gone. It was horrible. I didn't get to say goodbye. That's when I realized how much they meant to me. I felt awful for months. All my rosettes which are displayed on my wall I continuously ripped down and shoved in boxes. I used to go and smell all of his stuff and just sob into it. One day I found a bag of it and found part of his tack and just started crying uncontrollably in front of my boyfriend. I tried to find Tonto. I put up posters and searched everywhere online. Rung people, emailed riding clubs - everything. I still haven't found him. I still ride now, but it's just not the same. Anyone who hasn't had a horse wouldn't understand really. You just get so attached to them. I'd give anything for Tonto back.
I've been with Tom almost 8 months now. I love him to bits. I know a lot of people will question whether a 16 year old can be in love. I'm certain we are. When I look at other people's relationships our age I can see how special me and Tom are. We're just so much more mature. I see him every day and usually every night, we pretty much live with each other haha. However, like all relationships, we have our hick ups. He's incredibly protective. I get on really well with guys rather than girls and I text a lot of guys. Tom never really lets me meet up with them though. I've never done anything for him not to trust me, but he just gets so angry about it. I'd never ever ever cheat on him. I met up with a guy friend yesterday and told Tom about it (he's away) and he didn't seem to mind that much. He was a bit pissed off about it, but he was better than he had been. But I know if he was home, he'd have gone nuts. Although saying all this, I can see his point of view exactly. If he was meeting up with loads of girls I'd feel awkward and worried too, but I trust him not to do anything and if he did it's his loss.
Me and Tom are really long term. We've talked about a future together and it seems realistic. The only little thing that bugs me is my lack of experience. Tom has slept with quite a few people and kissed a lot of girls. Me - I have only ever kissed him. I've never done anything with any other guy. I used to be really shy last year, but this year I've been more confident. I just sometimes feel like I want to new people and stuff. But then another part of me says - Look at what I've got, it's amazing. I'd never ever give up what I have because I love Tom more than anything and he's perfect for me.
Self confidence is another thing that gets to me. I always compare myself to other girls. Tom loves me for who I am but I still want to be able to feel good about myself, which I don't. Some days I'm feel great and others I just feel crap. And then all ^ just piles up and I just feel like there's no point in anything. That's when I say stuff to Tom I shouldn't and just start being a bitch to everyone. It's been happening a lot recently and I'm not sure how to stop it.
So all this just brings me to the fact that the only thing I live for now is Tom. I don't get on fab with my dad, we're very different and not close at all. I don't have many friends and I don't speak to my mum. I'm just in a bit of a rut.
I'm kinda worried about writing this because I've never been so open on the internet and if anyone found it I'd die. ):
The main thing that probably leads to me being so sensitive is my family history. I'm sixteen, and earlier this year I moved out of my mums. We didn't get on for months and just argued all the time. It was mostly because of her partner who threatened to hit me and just treated me like shit. I just ended up spending no time with them as family. I'd eat meals in my room with the door shut because we always argued over dinner. I'd bring friends round and her partner would just say shit about me whilst they were there. It ended up that I moved out, on mothers day, on a bad note. My mum hasn't made an effort since. She text me a few times asking what I was up to, but that's it. I genuinely believed she'd beg for me back. I couldn't, and still can't understand how any mother can not show the slightest bit of emotion at their child leaving home. A while back I spoke to someone about this and she said that I should go and see her and try and make an effort. I found this incredibly hard due to what she'd done (read below) but I still did it. I went and saw her at work and had a little chat, but after that, things didn't change. A few weeks later I text her and asked if she wanted to do something. She said her partner would be there and I said I wasn't happy about that. A meeting never took place. I mean...I hate so many things about my mum - and yeah, I mean hate (you'll understand why when you read on), but she's still my mum. I've spent so much time with my boyfriends family and I'm sooo jealous of him. He's got a perfect mum. I'd do anything for my mum back but it just wouldn't work as neither of us are trying enough and the fact her partner is a complete asshole. I also learnt that I wasn't perfect at home and I should have made more effort to be part of the family. I know this because my boyfriend has a younger sister and I used to be exactly like her and now I'm older I can see how wrong it is.
I used to own 2 ponies when I was at my mums. Unfortunately, like most kids with horses, I had NO idea how lucky I was. I had Toffee for 5 years and he was my first pony and although I didn't ride him much because he was a little small for me, I was still very attached to him. I had Tonto for about 3 years. When I first got him he was awful. He was so naughty. Over the years I did sooo much work with him and he turned out great. I never gave up on him no matter how hard it was. When it was decided I'd move out, my dad said he'd buy Tonto for me. My dad isn't horsey in the slightest by the way, he hates them. My mum said she wanted £2000 for Tonto and he wasn't worth that at all. In the end I think he probably sold for about £1500? My dad said to my mum that he'd pay what he was worth if she got someone out to value him. Mum said £2000 take it or leave it. So he left it. So I lost my ponies. I rode them every day after school even though I didn't live at my mums. I walked past my house to the yard, too scared to go anywhere near it. One day I came and they were gone. It was horrible. I didn't get to say goodbye. That's when I realized how much they meant to me. I felt awful for months. All my rosettes which are displayed on my wall I continuously ripped down and shoved in boxes. I used to go and smell all of his stuff and just sob into it. One day I found a bag of it and found part of his tack and just started crying uncontrollably in front of my boyfriend. I tried to find Tonto. I put up posters and searched everywhere online. Rung people, emailed riding clubs - everything. I still haven't found him. I still ride now, but it's just not the same. Anyone who hasn't had a horse wouldn't understand really. You just get so attached to them. I'd give anything for Tonto back.
I've been with Tom almost 8 months now. I love him to bits. I know a lot of people will question whether a 16 year old can be in love. I'm certain we are. When I look at other people's relationships our age I can see how special me and Tom are. We're just so much more mature. I see him every day and usually every night, we pretty much live with each other haha. However, like all relationships, we have our hick ups. He's incredibly protective. I get on really well with guys rather than girls and I text a lot of guys. Tom never really lets me meet up with them though. I've never done anything for him not to trust me, but he just gets so angry about it. I'd never ever ever cheat on him. I met up with a guy friend yesterday and told Tom about it (he's away) and he didn't seem to mind that much. He was a bit pissed off about it, but he was better than he had been. But I know if he was home, he'd have gone nuts. Although saying all this, I can see his point of view exactly. If he was meeting up with loads of girls I'd feel awkward and worried too, but I trust him not to do anything and if he did it's his loss.
Me and Tom are really long term. We've talked about a future together and it seems realistic. The only little thing that bugs me is my lack of experience. Tom has slept with quite a few people and kissed a lot of girls. Me - I have only ever kissed him. I've never done anything with any other guy. I used to be really shy last year, but this year I've been more confident. I just sometimes feel like I want to new people and stuff. But then another part of me says - Look at what I've got, it's amazing. I'd never ever give up what I have because I love Tom more than anything and he's perfect for me.
Self confidence is another thing that gets to me. I always compare myself to other girls. Tom loves me for who I am but I still want to be able to feel good about myself, which I don't. Some days I'm feel great and others I just feel crap. And then all ^ just piles up and I just feel like there's no point in anything. That's when I say stuff to Tom I shouldn't and just start being a bitch to everyone. It's been happening a lot recently and I'm not sure how to stop it.
So all this just brings me to the fact that the only thing I live for now is Tom. I don't get on fab with my dad, we're very different and not close at all. I don't have many friends and I don't speak to my mum. I'm just in a bit of a rut.