I got a scar I can talk about...


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Matchbox 20- Bright lights.​

Scars can tell you a lot about a person. Does anyone have any interesting scar stories?

Here's the doozy. One night I was bored my senior year of college. Well my then bf was out of town so I went to the bars with a roomie of mine. I ended up getting really crunk..I knew the bartender and he was giving me tons of free drinks. Well I somehow find my bf's roomies and they bring me home.

Next morning, I wake up and my room is out of control. Desk is on the floor, broken mirror, everything is tore up. WTF happened????
I go in to the living room and ask my roomies what happened! One said, do you have your period? There is blood all over the toilet!! I go to the bathroom, lift up my shorts and sure enough, there is a chunk missing out of my asscheek!! How the hell it happened, I didnt know.

I start cleaning my room and I find the culprit. There was a broken in half (at the stem) martini glass...with blood on it. The stem went in my asscheek!!! My jeans were all tore up. Holy shit. Good thing I didn'tremember it and even better thing it didnt go up my bum or something.

Talk about wild.


Well-known member
I have a scar on my forehead that people may or may not have noticed in my pictures. It's from when my brother used to bowl in a bowling league, and I was young and running around the alley with a friend playing tag. You guys know how there's a step up to go to the lane... well I slipped and smashed my head on that. It tore up my forehead and I had to get stitched and ride in a ambulance. I got a sweet bear from the paramedic too. He was my favourite bear ever. That was the first time I was in an ambulance... but sadly not the last. I have a bunch more stories about scars if you want.


Well-known member
Hhahahah I think your story is going to win no matter what.

I have a longgg scar across the side of my neck, it looks like I got knifed, seriously. I was holding my kitty, like with his paws up over my shoulder, and someone rang our doorbell and he FREAKED OUT and jumped a mile and my neck was right in the way of his flailing claws. My slit throat scar makes me look bad ass, but I was just snuggling a kitty.


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When I was younger, my brother and I had a lemonade stand. He went to get scissors so we could make our sign. He proceeded to run down the hall opening and closing the scissors as he ran. I was close by, and somehow my pinky finger got caught in between the scissors. My finger was nearly sawed in half!!! It did heal (it's amazing how our bodies repair themselves), but I am left with a scar on my pinky finger to remember the event. Needless to say, we didn't have the lemonade stand that day after all.

Hilly--Your story is crazy!!! It's good you didn't remember it. It's kinda weird that when you are drunk, things really don't hurt. I've fallen numerous times when drinking, and felt nothing!!


Well-known member
He proceeded to run down the hall opening and closing the scissors as he ran. I QUOTE]

I was always taught this was the right way to run with scissors, I don't know about you! You gotta make sure if you're going to run with them, you go all the way and chop with them while you run too!


Well-known member
When I was much younger I used to sit directly in front of the TV. I'd watch TV and kick the stand (what can I say, I was three), and ended up kicking the TV off the stand and onto my face. I have a scar across my nose and into my eyebrow. My mom says as I get older, the scar moves further down my nose, so we'll see where it ends up. To this day I get freaky good TV reception whenever I stand near one, haha. I also have a fear of televisions that are on those in wall stands, the ones that are placed up near the ceiling...they make me nervous.

I also have a scar on my cheek from getting bit by my aunt's devil dog. I offered it a dum dum and it got mad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
He proceeded to run down the hall opening and closing the scissors as he ran. I QUOTE]

I was always taught this was the right way to run with scissors, I don't know about you! You gotta make sure if you're going to run with them, you go all the way and chop with them while you run too!

I guess he learned the "right way" to run with scissors!


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I have a scar on my face, where I got bit by my neighbors dog, I tried to give it some cheetos and it got mad. and bit my face, and chest, I had several stitches.

I have a scar going around my ankle when a inner tube ( water toy) rope got wrapped around my leg and almost pulled me out of a boat. I almost broke my leg (again) in this situation. we had to get towed back to the dock because my leg busted some parts off the engine and It wouldn't run.There was motor oil sprayed everywhere and I was crying my eyes out! (this happened about 4 months ago)


Well-known member
I have a scar on the side of my knee from the most random incident. I was sitting in the back of the schoolyard in this slightly foresty area...I uncrossed my leg or something and there was this tree branch poking out and it just like jabbed me when I uncrossed my legs. And now I have a scar...

I have plenty of scars but they don't have interesting stories...and actually I wanna get rid of most of them...


Well-known member
Oh my god, that's horrible! But amusing too

I have a faint scar on my cupids bow, I fell down some stairs when I was 6...I had butterfly stitches which I refused to get taken out, so they just fell out over a while :s


i have a scar on my lip. well right under my bottom lip. you usually can't see it unless i bring my lips in my mouth like you do after u put on lipstick ya know? anyways... i was playing marco polo in the pool with my brother and sister at night. we turned off all the pool lights so it was like pitch dark and i was it... well i kept my eyes shut tight and yelled out marco and they kept calling polo but my genius little brother decided to splash water towards me so i was walking towards the direction it was coming from. he gets to the very edge of the pool, stretches out his arm in front of me (i was facing the edge) and so it was from close range so i decide to jump up and lunge fowards! well when i come down i was so close to the edge that my chin just hit the edge and the rest of my jaw came down with such force that my top row of teeth basically went through my bottom lip.


Well-known member
I have a few scars and stories

My oldest scar is on my left hand and it's from when I was about 7-8 and I was getting an ice cream from the freezer when my older sister came along and closed the door on my hand. She was so mean to me! It's faded over time but I remember getting it so clearly.

I have a big scar on my knee from when I was chasing my boyfriend at the time for doing something (can't remember what) and somehow we ended up running around outside. It was dark and I could hardly see anything and suddenly I ran into something and tripped, slamming into the ground on my knee and elbow. It was a bucket placed under the part of an air conditioner that faces outside, to collect dripping water. We went inside to inspect the damage and there was gravel embedded in my knee that we had to pick out but we didn't think it needed stitches. It probably did!

And finally my most recent and hated scar is from earlier this year. I was working in my shop alone and this crazy woman trips coming in the door and ends up on the floor. I went over to her to help her out and see if she was okay and she starts ranting about how I just care about the insurance and acting really strangely. There are a few homes for mentally disturbed people in the area and some are allowed to walk around outside the grounds so I assume she is one of them and keep my distance. Anyways I leave her be hoping she will get the hell out soon. After a few minutes this customer comes up to me and says I should ring the police because she's being a nuisance and I agree. I'm on the phone to the police explaining the situation when she comes running up to me and tries to grab the phone and attack me! After a scuffle she ends up on the floor again yelling that I used Karate on her before running out of the shop. The same customer who told me to call the police before comes up to me and says I'm bleeding. Sure enough the bitch scratched my face while trying to grab the phone and now I have a permanent scar that I have to cover up with concealer every single day. Every time I look in the mirror I remember what happened and I seriously freakin hate it.



Well-known member
Oh. My. God, Hilly. That's beyond wild. The most battered I've gotten during inebriation never really left any physical scarring, save a couple of chipped teeth.

The most notable scars on my body are my on knees. When I was in grade school, someone tripped me down a couple of concrete steps. It hurt, but the thing that made my legs really messed up was the fact that I didn't change my pants or clean it properly for awhile, so there were pieces of fabric that were underneath the scabs. It took wounds that should've healed in a couple weeks at least 6 months. In got so infected in one knee, there was a chunk of flesh that had been eaten away. Luckily, things are alot better know.