I am now the third person saying report it to your credit card company. Both ladies that said that you should open a claim are 100% right. Your credit card company can get your funds back in most cases due to a fraudulent transaction, which yours falls under. Said company charged you for items, which you never received, and you were lied to by a representative of said company when they said you were never charged to begin with. When people don't open fraud cases, they screw other people over repeatedly until they're finally caught. Your $100 could be ten other peoples' $100 meaning they conned a thousand dollars off people that easily and had time enough to do so.
Companies like this need to be reviewed by the triple B......Better Business Bureau. I'm sure when enough people file fraud cases, they'll have their hands full defending their business (or non) ethics.
Thanks for bringing up the youtube guru hype, almost bought from a certain Coastal company after all these videos singing their praises. Then I started to see mixed reviews from customers about shipping times and attitude problems. Sounds like some noticed guru vids leaning in companies' favors....thought I was paranoid from 3 months ago on. Thanks for letting me know there is a pattern of potential swaying involved....hey, say this about our company and you'll get a free Manly palette style.
I kind of like to purchase items from friendly people who actually provide a service over a headache. Hate problematic buys....too much stress for an alleged good deal.