I Hate Beautychoice.com


Well-known member
Wow that really sucks. I think you showed a great deal of patience dealing with them about it. I haven't had any experience with them , but I would have thought they would be better staffed etc (my perspective is based pretty much on the fact that Pursebuzz often talks about their site and their products, so I would think they were a reputable business in order to support all the business etc).
I hope they do refund you! It would be nice if you could claim interest or something from them for making you wait this long!
Good luck


Well-known member
I ordered two hot tools curling irons from them in Janurary, then i received an email stating the items were in back order. Come Feburary the items still have not shipped, come March.. I ended up moving to a new house with a different address, so i called customer service with no luck, i emailed them with no luck. So when the items finally shipped in March I had to go to the hassle of bugging the new homeowners, etc....

I even sent them an Email stating all the trouble i had to go through, no appology what so ever. Im never buying from them again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Forever
And i lost probably $100.00 But theres nothing i can do.I just call it a loss and have learned my lesson about ordering from unknown companies.

File a report with your credit card company. You don't have to take outright fraud lying down––it's an actual crime that, nowadays, is quite easily resolved by simply calling your CC company. I would NEVER give up on a $100 charge, especially if they wasted that much of my precious time as well.

Good luck!

Oh, and spread the gospel. Make a YouTube video! Post on forums! This kind of company shouldn't be allowed to keep doing what it does...uncalled-for disrespect and what is essentially theft of your $$ needs to be known. I hate getting shafted


Well-known member
Forever -- dispute the charges with your credit card!! That's totally unacceptable, i can't believe that shit!

What kind of degenerate morons are running this company? Sounds like a huge scam, seriously.. I think some of the youtube people should do some research before pimping out this website to everyone simply because they get some freebies to review. Not cool at all.


Well-known member
I am now the third person saying report it to your credit card company. Both ladies that said that you should open a claim are 100% right. Your credit card company can get your funds back in most cases due to a fraudulent transaction, which yours falls under. Said company charged you for items, which you never received, and you were lied to by a representative of said company when they said you were never charged to begin with. When people don't open fraud cases, they screw other people over repeatedly until they're finally caught. Your $100 could be ten other peoples' $100 meaning they conned a thousand dollars off people that easily and had time enough to do so.

Companies like this need to be reviewed by the triple B......Better Business Bureau. I'm sure when enough people file fraud cases, they'll have their hands full defending their business (or non) ethics.

Thanks for bringing up the youtube guru hype, almost bought from a certain Coastal company after all these videos singing their praises. Then I started to see mixed reviews from customers about shipping times and attitude problems. Sounds like some noticed guru vids leaning in companies' favors....thought I was paranoid from 3 months ago on. Thanks for letting me know there is a pattern of potential swaying involved....hey, say this about our company and you'll get a free Manly palette style.

I kind of like to purchase items from friendly people who actually provide a service over a headache. Hate problematic buys....too much stress for an alleged good deal.


Well-known member
I am tired of being patient. I'm gonna file a claim with my credit card. I have proof that they received the product I sent back to them. I absolutely hate beautychoice. Who is running the place? They're so unprofessional. Never ordering from there again..

I know for a fact that certain popular youtube guru's get commission from people who place orders on beautychoice through clicking on their link. Sure, beautychoice may have shown the guru's great customer service because they know guru's can attract many customers so of course they will treat the guru's differently. I'm not putting any guru's down, it's just my thoughts.

thanks for the replies everyone.


Well-known member
Another thing, I asked them to send me a receipt or some kind of email saying that they "processed" the return. But no, they would say something like "please expect a confirmation email by the end of the day" and nothing would happen. They are probably extra nice and courteous to people like Pursebuzz only because she has so many subscribers and her videos are watched regularly. They know she can reach thousands of people. Not saying it's Pursebuzz's fault, but Beautychoice is just soo....-___- I don't even know a word to describe it.


Well-known member
oh maannn i hate bootychoice.com too!! they f'n suck.

they list products they dont have in stock.

you dont know they're not in stock.

you buy, and weeks later you're like 'where the hell is my item??"

then you call and they say "oh, its outta stock but will be in stock tomorrow"

so you're irritated and say "ok whatever"

well tomorrow comes....you call back to see if it shipped. "uh, no we still dont have it, check back next week"

"um how about no. how about you cancel my order. thanks"



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Forever
Ive got a BeautyChoice story too.I ordered a Babyliss curling iron from them and some Essie Polishes.I never received a confirmation email which i thought was a bit odd,but i figured id get it soon.A week later i get a email saying that my order had shipped and would arrive in 2 to 5 days.Great i thought!

So i waited for it and waited for it.Nothing ever came.A week and a half later still with no delivery i went to there website and started sending them emails and leaving phone messages since they never pick up there phone.Politely asking for information of what was going on with my order.Over the period of two more weeks and about 5 or more emails and countless unanswered phone calls and messages nobody had ever returned my email or my calls.

But according to my credit card statement they had charged my credit card on the very first day i had placed that order.Usually companies dont charge you until your order has been shipped.So what could i do? I just kept with the emails,phone calls,messages no returns. But one day somebody actually answered.I politely explained to him what had been going on.He offered no apology and was quite cold,as if i was bothering him.He put me on hold for ten minutes.Came back and said its back ordered.I said wait i received an email saying it shipped weeks ago.And even if it had been a mistake or something i never received any email notifying me that it was back ordered.Why was i told this? I wouldnt have ordered in the first place if i knew it would be over a month an its still not even shipped yet.And i was charged last month! He put me on hold again came back and simply said its shipping out today.I asked is it definitely shipping today? He said yes and hung up.I thought well ok ill never purchase from them again but at least its on its way,right? Wrong!

Another month goes by still nothing has come.I sent more emails more phone messages no returns.Finally again one day they answered.And i was so mad.The man that answered was the same man i spoke to a month earlier.Makes me think is there seriously only one man working in customer service?I once again explained whats been going on.He was so rude and annoyed he kept saying its back ordered it will ship when we get it .No matter what i said he kept repeating only that sentence.It was really pissing me off.So i said you know what i want this order canceled now and i want my money back.He said we never charged you.I said yes you did its on my credit statement that i was charged two months ago when i placed the order.He said no we didnt ill cancel your order but we wont be giving you anything back.I explained to him i had my credit statement i was definitely charged.He kept saying no its not no its not,on repeat like a child.I said could i please talk to your supervisor.He screamed at me and said if your going to speak to me like that i will hang up on you.Im just sitting there thinking wtf this is so stupid!

The only reason i ordered off beautychoice to begin with is because youtube makeup gurus make it sound like the worlds best company whom they have all had the greatest experiences with.Now i think no its actually because they get free stuff from beautychoice so of course there experiences with them are great! lol

So anyway he did hang up on me.And they sent me one email telling me my order had been canceled but saying since they never charged me there would be no refund.I never received my order.Ive never got my money back.I have credit statement proving i was charged.Theyve never once returned a call or an email either.And i lost probably $100.00 But theres nothing i can do.I just call it a loss and have learned my lesson about ordering from unknown companies.Its not worth the risk.And i dont listen to youtubers praises about a company they get free things from.

OMGOSH i made this long lol Sorry.

WOW that is so unprofessional. Do they just hire anyone off the streets without teaching them about common courtesy!? WTF? I wish you could've recorded the conversation and reported it to BBB. I hate beautychoice. I would've let everything go if they just refunded my damn money.


Well-known member
Yes, please report it to your credit card company. That is outright fraud. You'll get your money back. I also agree with the poster who recommended the BBB. This company is BEYOND shady.


Well-known member
"The Rule requires that when you advertise mail or telephone order merchandise, you must have a reasonable basis for stating or implying that you can ship within a certain time. If you make no shipment statement, you must have a reasonable basis for believing that you can ship within 30 days. That is why direct marketers sometimes call this the "30-day Rule."

If, after taking the customer's order, you learn that you cannot ship within the time you stated or within 30 days, you must seek the customer's consent to the delayed shipment. If you cannot obtain the customer's consent to the delay—either because it is not a situation in which you are permitted to treat the customer's silence as consent and the customer has not expressly consented to the delay, or because the customer has expressly refused to consent—you must, without being asked, promptly refund all the money the customer paid you for the unshipped merchandise."

Taking people's money, holding on to it for months, and not shipping out the product without having the consent of the buyer for the extra time isn't legal - report it to the BBB and file a complaint with the FTC!

Mail or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule


Well-known member
i hate all of these "raved" about companies by youtube gurus. free stuff will always sway an opinion no matter how much people claim they're giving unbiased opinions. it makes me sick that companies will send free stuff knowing damn well they'll get new business from it and then still rip off the consumer. it's all hype and i won't ever buy from a company raved about by gurus because you just can't trust it.

i hope the girls who got ripped off do file claims with their credit card companies as well as with the better business bureau and also that this will spread and others will complain as well.

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